The State Historical Resources Commission (SHRC) is pleased to make available on this page, current and past issues of the SHRC's Annual Reports. The Annual Report summarizes the activities of the SHRC for a given year and identifies future preservation goals pursuant to the provisions of Public Resources Code, Section 5020.4(a)(13). The Commissioners extend their appreciation to the staff of the Office of Historic Preservation (OHP) for their work in preparing and publishing the reports.

Current Report

2022 Annual Report of the State Historical Resources Commission

Highlights of 2022:

  • In 2022, the Commission approved twenty-seven National Register (NR) nominations, one California Register (CR) nomination, two California Historical Landmark (CHL) nominations, and one California Point of Historical Interest (PHI) nomination.
  • Nominations presented to the Commission in 2022 were associated with two existing Multiple Property Submissions, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in California and Northern California Doghole Ports Maritime Cultural Landscape.
  • Resolutions presented by the Commission recognized two professionals for their service to the state of California and several students for their 2022 National History Day California entries, selected for California Historic Places Awards.

Past Annual Reports
(for reports earlier than 2006, please contact the Office of Historic Preservation)

2021 (34 pg PDF)

2020 (37 pg PDF)

2019 (37 pg PDF)

2018 (34 pg PDF)

2016-2017 (56 pg PDF)

2015 (71 pg PDF)

2014 (73 pg PDF)

2013 (75 pg PDF)

2012 (60 pg PDF)

2011 (64 pg PDF)

2010 (61 pg PDF)

2009 (60 pg PDF)

2008 (52 pg PDF)

2007 (52 pg PDF)

2006 (38 pg PDF)