DPR 523 Forms (Microsoft Word)


The DPR 523 forms are used for recording and evaluating sites and individual resources. They are in MSWord.doc format.

Instructions for Recording Historical Resources

DPR 523A Primary Record
DPR 523B Building, Structure, Object
DPR 523C Archaeological Site Record
DPR 523D District Record
DPR 523E Linear Feature Record
DPR 523I Photographic Record
DPR 523J Location Map
DPR 523K Sketch Map
DPR 523L Continuation Sheet

Registration Programs

The DPR 523 forms are used for nominating properties as California Historical Landmarks, California Points of Historical Interest, and to the California Register of Historical Resources. It is important to read the information on those program webpages before using the forms listed below to prepare a nomination. Any questions regarding the nomination process and use of DPR 523 forms should be directed to our Registration Unit staff. 

DPR 523A Primary Record
DPR 523B Building, Structure, Object
DPR 523D District Record
DPR 523E Linear Feature Record
DPR 523I Photographic Record
DPR 523J Location Map
DPR 523K Sketch Map
DPR 523L Continuation Sheet

Application Cover Sheet
Bulletin 13: How to Nominate a Property as a California Historical Landmark or Point of Historical Interest

DPR 523 Forms are in Microsoft Word .docx format. Please contact Registration Unit staff for other DPR 523 series forms. Forms not currently downloadable are undergoing revision.

National Register Forms and Related Publications

Read This Checklist First if Planning on Submitting a National Register Nomination:
National Register Checklist for Submission

Getting to "Listed": Preparing a National Register Nomination (video)

Nomination forms in MS Word format
Nomination Form 10-900
Continuation Sheet
Multiple Property Documentation Form
Continuation Sheet for Amendments

How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation (National Register Bulletin #15)
How to Complete the National Register Registration Form (National Register Bulletin #16A)
How to Complete the National Register Multiple Property Documentation Form (National Register Bulletin #16B)

District Property Owners Excel Template
Download this template to record the property owners for a historic district nomination (National Register or California Register.)

Please contact the Registration Unit for further guidance on how to nominate a property.


Section 106 Review
The OHP offers a Section 106 Submission Checklist that identifies the information that should be submitted to us for review of undertakings pursuant to Section 106. Refer to our Section 106 webpage for detailed information regarding the Section 106 review process. Questions should be directed to our Section 106 and Compliance staff (see Staff Contacts above).

Note: The Section 106 Checklist is intended as a tool for entities consulting with our office – it should not be submitted with your request for consultation.