The California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS) maintains a wide range of documents and materials relating to historical resources (e.g., buildings, structures, objects, historic and archaeological sites, landscapes, districts). The CHRIS operates structurally through the California Office of Historic Preservation (OHP), nine Information Centers (ICs), and the State Historical Resources Commission (SHRC). The OHP administers and coordinates the CHRIS and presents proposed CHRIS policies to the SHRC, which approves these policies in public meetings, under authorization of Public Resources Code 5020.4(a)(2) and 5020.4(a)(3). Policies are codified in the CHRIS Information Center Rules of Operation Manual

The ICs are located on California State University and University of California campuses throughout the state (see List of ICs). The ICs maintain information on cultural resources within their respective geographic areas. Information is organized by resources and reports, in a combination of digital (GIS spatial data, database records, and pdfs) and hard-copy formats. For further information on availability of data, visit About the Inventory. The ICs provide cultural resources information, on a fee for service basis, to local governments, state and federal agencies, Native American tribes, individuals with responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act, the National Historic Preservation Act, and the California Environmental Quality Act, and to the general public as well. The OHP maintains data regarding the legal significance evaluation status of cultural resources, but resource records and reports are forwarded to the respective ICs.

Information Center Locations and Contacts
About the CHRIS Inventory
Accessing the CHRIS Inventory