The OHP is charged with ensuring that projects and programs carried out or sponsored by federal and state agencies comply with federal and state historic preservation laws and that projects are planned in ways that avoid or minimize adverse effects to heritage resources. OHP reviews and comments on several thousand projects annually. 

State programs and projects are reviewed pursuant to Sections 5024 and 5024.5 of the California Public Resources Code (PRC).  Additionally, Section 5024 requires consultation with OHP when a project may impact historical resources located on State-owned land.

NOTE: Due to the evolving Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, we are providing updated submission guidance to address the challenges agencies may be encountering in sending hard-copy submittals to our office during the statewide stay-at-home order.

For California State Agencies: Consultation Under PRC 5024 and 5024.5

The California State Legislature enacted Public Resources Code (PRC) § 5024 and 5024.5 as part of a larger effort to establish a state program to preserve historical resources. These sections of the code require state agencies to take a number of actions to ensure preservation of state-owned historical resources under their jurisdictions. These actions include evaluating resources for National Register of Historic Places (National Register) eligibility and California Historical Landmark (California Landmark) eligibility; maintaining an inventory of eligible and listed resources; and managing these historical resources so that that they will retain their historic characteristics.

The Office of Historic Preservation has created an informational document with recommendations to assist state agencies in complying with the requirements of Public Resources Code § 5024 and 5024.5 and understanding the expectations of the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding consultation on state projects that may affect historical resources. Ideally, this guidance will help minimize time and effort spent preparing submittals to the SHPO. Consultation documents that do not meet the guidance detailed in this document may generate inquiries for further information, delaying conclusion of the consultation.