The links below are to other sources of information available online about cultural resources. Some of these used to be available through the CHRIS but because they are now online, they can be accessed directly. The Office of Historic Preservation makes no guarantees about the availability, completeness, or accuracy of the information provided through the sources listed below.

California State Lands Commission Shipwreck Database

Caltrans Historic Bridge Inventory

U.S. Geological Survey Historic Topographic Maps

National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Nominations

California Historical Landmarks Listing (by county)

Rancho Plat Maps

US Bureau of Land Management General Land Office Records

Natural Resource Conservation Service Soil Survey Maps

Historical Soil Survey Maps

Five Views: An Ethnic Historic Site Survey for California (1988)

If you know of other online, freely available sources of information that should be added to the list above, please contact the Office of Historic Preservation at