There are two main sources of information for the CHRIS Inventory:

1) Resource Records, containing information about specific cultural resources, regardless of their historical significance.

2) Reports (e.g., inventory, survey, evaluation, data recovery plans and reports, HABS/HAER, National Register and California Register nominations, theses or dissertations, mitigation outcomes, and other documents).

The information is organized into three types of data:

1) Locational data (GIS spatial data and harc copy USGS topographic maps for older records), indicating locations of resources and reports.

2) Information Center Database records (ICDB), containing descriptive data about the nature of the resources and reports in the inventory.

3) Documents, in PDF electronic format or hard copy, that are submitted to the CHRIS, either directly to an IC or through a submittal to the OHP.

The Built Environment Resource Directory (BERD) contains information on historic-era built environment resources that are documented in OHP records. 

Some sources of information about cultural resources that used to be available through the CHRIS are now accessible directly online. Visit our Other Sources of Information page to see a list of these sources. 

Instructions for submitting resource and report materials to the CHRIS is provided in CHRIS Document Submittal Standards Guidance for Consultants.

The CHRIS is in the process of converting older hard copy records to digital format. Not all counties are completely digitized. See the chart below for digital availability of the above categories of data for each county in California and at which IC (updated July 30, 2019). For more detailed information regarding digital data, please contact the appropriate Information Center

Information Center Initials:

CCaIC = Central California
CCoIC = Central Coast
EIC = Eastern
NCIC = North Central
NEIC = Northeast
NWIC = Northwest
SCCIC = South Central Coastal
SCIC = South Coastal
SSJVIC = Southern San Joaquin Valley   

CHRIS Data Availability Chart

CHRIS Data Availability Chart