Suggested Activities in Support of the State Plan

Highlight positive uses of historic places in your publications or website.

Create awards and/or mini-grant programs related to preservation of historic resources in your community.

Learn how to find out about proposed projects as early as possible, and get involved with those projects early in the planning process.

Put together historic home tours.

Sponsor a neighborhood historic resources survey.

Understand your local ordinances and regulations as they relate to historic properties.

Sponsor a neighborhood preservation workshop.

Connect with other groups that have overlapping interests (e.g., art deco societies, local historical societies, fraternal organizations, etc.).

Sponsor a rephotography project (find historic photographs of your neighborhood, then take photos today from the same locations and show the images side-by-side so people can see how the community has changed, or not).

Seek out businesses that have been in the neighborhood for a while and help them develop information about their histories.