Suggested Activities in Support of the State Plan

In cooperation with your clients you might...

Promote the preservation of resources for more than interpretive purposes by educating organizations and agencies about other types of uses that might better serve a community’s needs.

Provide more information about how adaptive re-use is allowed for under the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.

Get involved as early as possible to work with community groups to identify options for adaptive re-use of a resource.

Celebrate and provide examples of successful “outside the norm” nominations and adaptive re-use projects that can serve as models for others.

Update older nominations to include more information about groups traditionally under-represented in nominations.

Increase the number of contexts (statewide and community-specific) to assist in conducting surveys and preparing individual nominations (e.g., contexts associated with groups of people such as women’s history or specific cultural groups; contexts focused on California industries such as agriculture or mining; or contexts associated with a type of development such as post-World War II housing or military installations).

Conduct surveys that focus on resource types that haven’t been adequately identified and evaluated in the past.