Clg grantsThrough the Certified Local Government (CLG) Program, local governments receive federal grants to assist with historic preservation programs. A required minimum of ten percent of California’s yearly allocation of federal funds received through the Historic Preservation Fund Grants Program (HPF) make up the grants awarded annually to qualifying certified local governments.

The Office of Historic Preservation (OHP) awards the HPF monies to CLGs in a competitive process. Forms, instructions, and deadlines for active grant cycles are posted to this page during the application periods. To see a list of recent and past award recipients, visit our CLG Grant Awards page.

2024-2025 CLG Grant Application Process


Read First–Updates! 

2024-2025 CLG Grant Manual and Application:
On April 12, 2024, the CLG Grant Manual and Application for 2024-2025 was sent via the CLG Listserv to all Certified Local Government contacts currently on file with our office.
The CLG Grant Manual and Application will not be posted to this webpage; it is only available through email.
If you did not receive the email with the attached copy of the grant manual, please contact us as soon as possible at Include "CLG Grant Application Request" in the Subject line of your message.  

Forms to be included with the Grant Application:
Assurances - Non Construction 
Certificate of Professionalism and Conformance
Statement of Professional Qualifications 

Helpful Resources

General Grant Information

Archeology and Historic Preservation: Secretary of the Interior's Standards 

California Federal Per Diem Rates 

Environmental Compliance Requirements 

Format for Historic Context Statements 

Historic Preservation Ordinances 

Historic Structure Report Format

Project Agreement General and Special Provisions

RFP Checklist

Standards for Allowability of Costs

Documents Needed for Grant Reports (After grant is awarded)

Competitive Contracting Documentation 

Volunteer or Donated Labor Time Sheet