The William J. Paugh Hose was constructed in 1860 in the Gothic Revival style by architect Charles. L. Parish. During the years 1900 to 1940 portions of the house were remodeled. The front door and steps were relocated to the center of the house, much of the porch was removed, and additions were added. In 2004 the building was restored to its original 1860s appearance using an 1860s photograph and two illustrations; one 1860 and one 1881. Original fabric was found when additions were removed. In addition, original doors, millwork, finials, fret-carving, and other ornamental features, including the original lancet Gothic window (front elevation), were stored in the attic and used in the restoration. The William J. Paugh House was listed at the local level of significance under Criterion C as a good example of the Gothic Revival style in Jackson, and as the work of architect Charles L. Parish. It is the only known building designed by Parish, although others have been attributed to him.

Registration Date: 6/5/2007

City: Jackson
County: Amador

406 Pitt Street

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