In 1990, a survey and Multiple Property National Register nomination was completed for the Carnegie Libraries of California. At that time, ten libraries were listed in the National Register, although a number of additional libraries were identified as eligible for listing. The Multiple Property format established the significance for members for the property type, Carnegie Libraries, making it possible to add additional properties to the original Multiple Property submission. The Oroville Carnegie Library being proposed was identified as eligible by the survey. Constructed in 1912 it was designed by William Weeks, a master architect who designed twenty-two Carnegie Libraries in California. Carnegie Libraries are significant in their respective communities under Criterion A in the area of Social History for the association with library development in California during the years 1849-1921. The buildings are also significant under Criterion C in the area of Architecture because they reflect the popular styles of the time and exemplify a particular type of building. Oroville Carnegie Library was listed at the local level of significance.

Registration Date: 5/8/2007

City: Oroville
County: Butte

1675 Montgomery St.

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