The Ellis-Martin house is a 2,730 square-foot, two-story Craftsman house that was constructed in 1908. It was listed at the local level of significance under Criterion C for its architectural significance. This house is an excellent example of the work of Petaluma’s prominent architect Brainerd Jones, and the best example of a Craftsman house designed by Jones in Petaluma. It is also an excellent example of a modest Craftsman-style house in the city. Brainerd Jones had a prolific career in Petaluma from 1899 until 1945. Many of Petaluma’s civic buildings, including nine buildings still extant and contributing to Petaluma’s National Register Downtown Commercial District and several homes for prominent Petaluma citizens were designed by Jones. he Ellis-Martin House is a rare example of a house designed by Jones for acreage, rather than an urban lot.

Registration Date: 10/4/2006

City: Petaluma
County: Sonoma

1197 E. Washington St.

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