California's historical resources represent the contributions and collective human experiences of a diversified population spanning 10,000-12,000 years of occupancy in California. This rich heritage is embodied in the cultural and historical landscapes of California as evidenced by archaeological remains, historic buildings, traditional customs, tangible artifacts, historical documents, and public records extant in California. All these evidences of the past contribute to the sum total of California's history. Such historical resources provide continuity with our past and enhance our quality of life.

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Name (Landmark Plaque Number) National Register California State Historical Landmark California Register of Historical Resources Point of Interest Date Listed City (County)
ALPINE COUNTY COURTHOUSE (P761) 2/14/1992 Markleeville (Alpine)
EBBETTS PASS ROUTE (318) 7/12/1939 Markleeville (Alpine)
HISTORICAL COMPLEX (OLD WEBSTER SCHOOL, OLD JAIL, & OLD E (P689) 8/13/1987 Markleeville (Alpine)
KIT CARSON MARKER (315) 7/12/1939 Woodfords (Alpine)
MARKLEE'S CABIN SITE (240) 6/10/1936 Markleeville (Alpine)
MEMORIAL TO PIONEER ODD FELLOWS (378) 1/3/1944 Woodfords (Alpine)
NEW WEBSTER SCHOOL HOUSE (P762) 2/14/1992 Markleeville (Alpine)
OLD EMIGRANT ROAD (661) 11/5/1958 Woodfords (Alpine)
OLD LOG JAIL, HISTORIC LOG JAIL (P688) 8/13/1987 Markleeville (Alpine)
PONY EXPRESS REMOUNT STATION AT WOODFORDS (805) 6/28/1965 Woodfords (Alpine)
WEBSTER SCHOOLHOUSE, OLD (N2288) 7/11/2005 Markleeville (Alpine)