PA Stipulation V.D. —  Public Participation/Interested Persons
The SHPO may make available lists of groups, including Indian tribes, which should be provided notice for undertakings to be located in particular areas. The California SHPO recommends that applicants contact the Native American Heritage Commission to obtain a list of Native American contacts for your project area. The SHPO also recommends that applicants contact the preservation organizations and historical societies that are associated with the specific city/county that your project is located in. The SHPO further recommends that if the project location is in a city or county that is a Certified Local Government (CLG), that the CLG be provided notice of the undertaking.

PA Stipulation VI.C.4. —  Area of Potential Effect (APE)
If the applicant is using an APE for visual effects that differs from those described in this stipulation, then a reasonable narrative explanation must be provided in Attachment 7.b. of the submittal.

PA Stipulation VI.D.1.a.v. —  SHPO Inventory of Historic Properties
The SHPO inventory of historic properties for the APE/city may be obtained from a regional CHRIS Information Center (IC) . The IC will provide individuals with a Historic Property Directory consisting of both a built environment and archeological component. All properties with a National Register Status (NRS) of 1-4 have been previously evaluated and found to meet the National Register criteria.

PA Stipulation VI.D.2.b. — 

Archeological Field Surveys/Non-Survey
Identification and evaluation of historic properties within the APE for direct effects shall be undertaken by a professional who meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards  (Standards) in the appropriate discipline. This includes any finding that an archeological field survey is not required. Identification and evaluation relating to archeological resources shall also be performed by a professional who meets the Standards in archeology. An IC Record Search does not satisfy this requirement. Building evaluations should be performed by a person who meets the Standards as an architectural historian or historian.  The professional may be a person in the applicant’s employ or a consultant to the applicant.

PA Stipulation VI.E.5. — Assessment of Effects
Assessment of effects will be performed by a professional who meets the Standards in the appropriate discipline.

PA Stipulation VII.A.1. —  Submission Forms

As part of the PA, applicants are required to use FCC Form 620 NT or FCC Form 621 CT. As of April 7, 2005, the SHPO will only accept submittal packets using the appropriate FCC Forms. At this time we are not accepting FCC E-106 forms.

PA Stipulation VII.B.2. & VII.C.2. —  30 Day Review

If applicants do not receive a response from the SHPO within 30 days then the applicant may proceed with the process as outlined in the PA. As a result of this provision, the SHPO office will no longer provide status checks on submitted projects. In addition the SHPO will no longer accept requests for expedited review. Projects will be reviewed in the order received.