Information about the project:
Where is the project located? City, county, street address.
Is there a project name? Often having the project name will make it easier for OHP to find out more information about the project when we contact the lead agency.
What does the project propose to do? Demolish, alter, relocate an historical resource? Build housing, commercial offices, retail?

Information about the historic property (or properties) potentially impacted:
Where is the property located? City, county, and a street address
What is its name? If the property has an historic name, or even what it is generally known as in the local community, it may be easier for us to locate information on it.
What do you know about the property? Why do you think it’s significant?

Lead agency contact information:
Who is the lead agency for the project? That is, who is undertaking the project (if it’s a public project) or permitting it (if it’s a private project)? Ideally this should include both the name of the public agency as well as the department or division handling the project.
Can you obtain a specific contact person’s name? Do you have a phone number and/or email address for him or her?

Information on the development of the CEQA process thus far:
What has the lead agency told you about the environmental review process so far?
Do they know what type of CEQA document they’re going to prepare?
Have they already prepared one, and, if so, what is the public comment period on it?