NO. 320 TIMBUCTOO - In 1855, Timbuctoo was the largest town in eastern Yuba County. At the height of its prosperity it contained a church, theater, stores, hotels, and saloons, a Wells Fargo office, and the Stewart Bros. store which was restored in 1928 and dedicated to the town's pioneer men and women.
Location: Plaque located on State Hwy 20 (P.M. 14.9), site on Timbuctoo Rd, 1.0 mi W of Smartville

NO. 321 SMARTSVILLE - The first building at Smartsville (the post office is called Smartville) was built in the spring of 1856 by a Mr. Smart. The Church of the Immaculate Conception (organized in 1852 in Rose's Bar) was built in 1861, and in 1863 the Union Church was erected. One of the prominent features of the landscape of the town today is its churches.
Location: On State Hwy 20, Smartville

NO. 493 JOHNSON'S RANCH - The first settlement reached in California by emigrant trains using the Emigrant ('Donner') Trail, this was an original part of the 1844 Don Pablo Guti�rrez land grant. It was sold at auction to William Johnson in 1845, and in 1849 part of the ranch was set aside as a government reserve-Camp Far West. In 1866, the town of Wheatland was laid out on a portion of the grant.
Location: Tomita Park, Front St, between Fourth and Main Sts, Wheatland

NO. 799-3 OVERLAND EMIGRANT TRAIL - Over a hundred years ago, this trail resounded to creaking wheels of pioneer wagons and the cries of hardy travelers on their way to the gold fields. It is estimated that over thirty thousand people used this trail in 1849. About a mile and a quarter east of this site is Johnson's Crossing, the last stop on the Overland Emigrant Trail and first settlement west of the Sierra. It was used by pioneers, miners, trappers, herdsmen, and adventurers, rescuers of the Donner Party assembled here to begin their mission on February 5, 1847.
Location: On Spencerville Rd, 3.9 mi E of State Hwy 65, Wheatland

NO. 889 BOK KAI TEMPLE - Dedicated March 21, 1880, this building replaced the first temple built nearby in the early 1850s. It has been a Chinese community project since 1866, serving as a meeting hall, court, school, and place of worship. In this 'Palace of Many Saints,' Bok Eye, the water god, is the central deity and has been celebrated in Marysville on Bomb Day since Chinese settled here.
Location: SW corner of First and D Sts, Marysville

NO. 934 TEMPORARY DETENTION CAMPS FOR JAPANESE AMERICANS-MARYSVILLE ASSEMBLY CENTER - The temporary detention camps (also known as 'assembly centers') represent the first phase of the mass incarceration of 97,785 Californians of Japanese ancestry during World War II. Pursuant to Executive Order 9066 signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 19, 1942, thirteen makeshift detention facilities were constructed at various California racetracks, fairgrounds, and labor camps. These facilities were intended to confine Japanese Americans until more permanent concentration camps, such as those at Manzanar and Tule Lake in California, could be built in isolated areas of the country. Beginning on March 30, 1942, all native-born Americans and long-time legal residents of Japanese ancestry living in California were ordered to surrender themselves for detention.
Location: Arboga Community, 6 mi S of Marysville, on Arboga Rd

NO. 1003 SITE OF THE WHEATLAND HOP RIOT OF 1913 - The Wheatland Hop Riot was one of the most important and well-known events in California labor history. A bloody clash occurred at the Durst Ranch on August 3, 1913, climaxing growing tensions brought about by the difficult conditions farm laborers at the ranch endured. The riot resulted in four deaths and many injuries. It focused public opinion for the first time on the plight of California's agricultural laborers, and resulted in new state legislation to regulate labor camp conditions. A new State Commission on Immigration and Housing was created to help improve working conditions. Beyond that, the Wheatland Hop Riot was the first major farm labor confrontation in California and the harbinger of decades of attempts to organize or control agricultural labor.
Location: Intersection of S 'A' St and 6th St, Wheatland