State Parks and Recreation Commission Approves General Plan, Certifies EIR, and Names New State Park

At the July 8, 2011 meeting, the California State Parks and Recreation Commission approved the CIHCSP General Plan and certified the Environmental Impact Report (EIR). A copy of the resolution adopted by the Commission is available at the following link:
Resolution for the CIHCSP General Plan and EIR

In a separate action, the Commission classified and named the new State Park. A copy of the Classification and Naming Resolution is available at the following link:
Classification and Naming Resolution for the CIHCSP 

A Notice of Determination (NOD) for the final EIR was filed with the State Clearinghouse on July 12, 2011. A copy of the notice is available here:
NOD for the CIHCSP

Click the link, below, for the Final General Plan & Environmental Impact Report
Final General Plan & Environmental Impact Report

Final EIR - Response to Comments 

Preliminary Genral Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Report

California State Parks, with support from AECOM, has prepared a General Plan and EIR for an acquisition property that will become the home of the California Indian Heritage Center State Park (SP) (CIHCSP).

California Indian Heritage Center aerial view

Location of proposed California Indian Heritage Center State Park (SP) (outlined in yellow on the west side of the Sacramento River, across the mouth of the American River)

The new State Park museum and cultural heritage complex will be located on the 43 acre “East Riverfront” property located along the Sacramento River in the City of West Sacramento. The property is currently owned by the City and its Redevelopment Agency and is located directly across from the confluence of the American and Sacramento rivers.

A core element of the CIHCSP will be a cultural facility honoring the past, present and future of California Indian people and their culture. A key to achieving the vision of the CIHCSP will be the graceful integration of programming, facilities, and other improvements into the natural landscape that exists at the site.

View of the Sacramento River from the CIHC site

This General Plan process will include extensive opportunities for public and stakeholder participation. Three public workshops are planned as part of the outreach process. In addition, the planning process includes a statewide outreach component to California Indian Tribes, and outreach to the local community through workshops with a community advisory group. The General Plan will address the full range of planning issues, including resource management, visitation, traffic and transportation, safety and security, interpretation, and design. The completion and adoption of the General Plan is a prerequisite to formal donation and transfer of title to the land to California State Parks.

Signature oak tree on the CIHC site

The CIHC is a collaborative partnership among the CIHCSP Task Force, California State Parks, California Indian people, the City of West Sacramento, the City and County of Sacramento, and a new nonprofit foundation (CIHCSP Foundation) established to support the project. Following the completion of the General Plan, the project will move into specific design development and construction, with anticipated opening of Phase One within five to ten years.
“State Parks is delighted to have the City of West Sacramento as its partner in developing the California Indian Heritage Center State Park (SP). West Sacramento’s generous donation of riverfront land will help bring this project to fruition, allowing us to offer all Californians an opportunity to learn of the rich contributions of California Indian people. I am appreciative of the work of the California Indian Heritage Task Force and Foundation, the California Indian people and the community and City Council of West Sacramento in moving this project forward,” said California State Parks Director Ruth Coleman.

The CIHCSP will include a library, archives, tribal treasures exhibit space, resident artist space, offices, classrooms, a café, museum store, amphitheatre and event space, indigenous gardens, trails, public access to the Sacramento River, and parking. Special events envisioned at the CIHCSP will also make use of the Northgate property in the American River Parkway, within the City and County of Sacramento. The Northgate site will include an outdoor interpretive center, with trails, native gardens, and demonstration areas.

Planning for the CIHC has been underway for several years and included a visioning process, and development of a conceptual master plan for the site. To view documents related to the CIHCSP and to find out about the planning process to date, please visit the CIHCSP project website:

Riparian understory along the Sacramento River




CIHCSP PowerPoint Presentation - January 12, 2011

If you would like to be added to the mailing list to receive updates on the General Plan Process, please e-mail us at:

Notices & Announcements
CEQA Review - The General Plan is subject to environmental review pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be prepared concurrently with the Preliminary General Plan.

A Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the CIHC General Plan EIR was filed with the State Clearinghouse on January 13, 2010 and can be viewed here:
     Notice of Preparation
     Notice of Completion

The following document is a summary of all scoping comments received in writing from the 1-26-10 meeting:
CIHCSP Scoping Comments - Written


Public Meeting #1
The first in a series of three public meetings was held on January 26, 2010 at West Sacramento City Hall.  This meeting also served as a scoping meeting for CEQA purposes. Materials from the public meeting, including the PowerPoint presentation, comment forms that can be mailed to the planning team, and a handout summarizing information about the General Plan process are accessible through the following links:
Comment Form
Meeting Handout
PowerPoint Presentation at Meeting #1

The following is a summary of the discussion that took place at Public Meeting #1 after the project presentation:
CIHCSP Scoping Comments from 1-26-10 Meeting - Summarized

Public Meeting #2
The second public meeting in support of the California Indian Heritage Center State Park (SP) General Plan and Environmental Impact Report was held May 27, 2010. For those unable to attend this meeting, an additional opportunity to review the alternatives will be provided on Thursday, June 10th at the same time (5:30 to 7:30 p.m.) and location (West Sacramento City Hall, Galleria 157 ) as the May 27th meeting. Please refer to the flyer below for details.
Public Meeting #2 flyer
PowerPoint Presentation at Meeting #2
CIHCSP Public Meeting #2 Photos
Peak Month Attendance
Average Month Attendance

The planning team would like to invite community input in reviewing and refining the CIHCSP planning alternatives.

Three Alternatives and Two Potential Alternatives

The .pdf files below present three alternatives for the CIHCSP project site developed by the planning team. In addition, two potential alternatives have been developed, pending acquisition of additional properties. The alternatives will be presented at Public Meeting Number 2. A brief explanation of the main elements of each alternatives is also provided below. If you would like to provide comments on the alternatives, please email them to the planning team no later than June 17 at the following email address:

CIHCSP Alternative Descriptions
CIHCSP Alternative #1

CIHCSP Alternative #2
CIHCSP Alternative #3
CIHCSP Potential Alternative #4
CIHCSP Potential Alternative #4 (3D version)
CIHCSP Potential Alternative #5

Public Meeting #3
The third and final public meeting for the CIHCSP General Plan was held on July 28, 2010 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at  West Sacramento City Hall (CIHCSP Meeting #3 Flyer). The planning team presented the Draft Preferred Alternative, which was developed based on community feedback on the Alternatives presented at Public Meeting Number 2, guidance from the Conceptual Master Plan, and known resource constraints.  Materials presented at the public meeting are posted below. The Preferred Alternative would be implemented in three Phases, as explained in the Phasing Plan.
Comments in the Draft Preferred Alternative can be emailed to:

CIHCSP Draft Preferred Alternative - Phase 1
CIHCSP Illustrative Examples - Phase 1

CIHCSP Draft Preferred Alternative - Phase 2
CIHCSP Illustrative Examples - Phase 2

CIHCSP Draft Preferred Alternative - Phase 3
CIHCSP Illustrative Examples - Phase 3
CIHCSP Phase 3 in 3D

CIHCSP Phasing Plan Table 
CIHCSP Purpose Vision Guiding Principles

Preferred Alternative Concept Plans presented at West Sacramento City Council Meeting on January 12, 2011

CIHCSP Preferred Alternative, Phase 1 and 2 Concept Plan
CIHCSP Preferred Alternative, Phase 3 Concept Plan
CIHCSP Preferred Alternative, Phase 4 Concept Plan


Master Agreement
Planning for the CIHCSP site is guided by a Master Agreement between the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Sacramento, the City of Sacramento, and California State Parks. The Master Agreement includes specific provisions pertaining to site access, use, traffic, management responsibilities and oversight, and site transfer that will help guide the development of the General Plan. The Master Agreement can be viewed here: Master Agreement - June 18, 2008

On July 7, the Master Agreement was amended to include an extension of the timeframe anticipated for completion of the various phases of CIHCSP planning and development. Amendment 1 targets adoption of the General Plan by December 31, 2011.

Concept Master Plan and Vision Documents
Other resources developed for the CIHCSP site that serve as guiding documents for the General Plan include a Vision Document addressing program planning and interpretive programming, and a Concept Master Plan. The Concept Master Plan includes information on goals and guiding principles, specific information about the site, precedents that were studied to guide the Master Plan, information of architectural and site programming, Master Plan concepts and strategies, preliminary design guidelines, and information on phasing and implementation. The Developing Vision document and Concept Masterplan are viewable here:
Concept Masterplan - March 2008
Developing Vision - Sept. 2007

Native American Community Outreach Meetings
Gathering input and feedback from Native American Tribes throughout the state is an important part of the General Plan process. Two series of workshops will be conducted in the northern, central and southern part of the state. The first round on Native American Community Outreach Meetings will take place in January of 2010. An invitation letter accompanied by the following flyer (Click here) has been distributed to California tribes through the Native American Heritage Commission. Input gathered at these outreach meetings will be used to help guide the development of the General Plan and to develop management scenarios for the site.

Public Review & Comment 
     Public circulation of the Preliminary General Plan/Draft EIR is anticipated for fall 2010.


Public Hearing
     Upon completion of the planning process, the California State Parks Commission will schedule a meeting for Plan Adoption. The meeting will be open to the public.