Final Road and Trail Management Plan

The Final Donner Memorial State Park Road and Trail Management Plan with Initial Study and Negative Declaration has been approved. Individual plan maps and the Department's response to comments are available for download below.

Response to Comments

The Department prepared responses to the comments received during the CEQA review period.

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

A Negative Declaration was prepared for the Donner Memorial State Park Road and Trail Management Plan (RTMP) and is located in the Final Donner Memorial State Park RTMP (see above). The Notice of Determination is on page 238 of the RTMP.  Copies of filed documents are available by emailing a request to


The Donner Memorial State Park (DMSP) is situated in the town of Truckee, 12 miles west of North Lake Tahoe and 100 miles east of Sacramento. Interstate 80, along the north side of DMSP, brings millions of vehicles annually near the park. DMSP consists of approximately 1,750 acres, 26 miles of roads, and nine miles of trails.

The purpose of the Road and Trail Management Plan is to provide specific direction for the long term construction, maintenance, and management of the roads and trails system.  Specifically, the plan will:
• Determine which roads and trails should be maintained, removed, and/or enhanced. 
• Identify which of the unofficial trails should be removed and which should be made official.  
• Determine the types of trail uses (e.g. hiking, biking, and/or equestrian) that are appropriate on each road and trail.  
• Identify those roads and trails that lead to damage of the natural and cultural resources of the park, for example a trail that passes through an area of sensitive natural resources, and need to be re-routed and/or reconstructed.  
• Identify trail connections necessary to create trail loops and/or connect to trails outside the park.  
• Identify opportunities for new trails, where appropriate 
• Identify necessary trail facilities, such as restrooms, parking, and drinking water

The Donner Memorial State Park 2003 General Plan made specific trail-related recommendations, including to "prepare a Roads and Trails Management Plan for guiding the location, distance, use, and maintenance of existing and future roads and trails." The General Plan states that the "existing system of roads and trails at Donner Memorial State Park has grown through time primarily in response to the construction of new facilities, and to allow public access to park resources. 

In light of potential land acquisitions and modifications of existing land uses recommended in this General Plan, the entire road and trail system in the park should be analyzed, and recommendations made for appropriate modifications to existing circulation systems. The General Plan also states that the Roads and Trails Management Plan (RTMP) "emphasis should be placed on creating opportunities for visitors to enjoy the park’s diverse topography, biotic communities, scenic views, and cultural attractions with minimal or no impact to the park’s natural or cultural resources."

Additional RTMP goals from the DMSP General Plan:
 * Avoid loss of trees and impacts to important habitats and soil stability in all significant ecosystems within the park.
 * Evaluate the suitability of using the historic Emigrant Trail for future trail use and/or an interpretive trail experience.
Establish design and maintenance criteria for new and existing roads and trails in the park.
 * Establish criteria and characteristics for appropriate road and trail design to guide future road-to-trail conversions and new road and trail construction and maintenance.


Maps of Existing Roads and Trails
Parkwide Map
Campground and Visitor Center Area
Lower Coldstream Valley
Upper Coldstream Valley, Lakeview Canyon, and Schallenberger Ridge Area
Summit Canyon Area

Maps of Planning Recommendations
Parkwide Map
Campground and Visitor Center Area
Lower Coldstream Valley
Upper Coldstream Valley, Lakeview Canyon, and Schallenberger Ridge Area
Summit Canyon Area

Maps of Erosion Severity
Campground and Visitor Center Area
Lower Coldstream Valley
Upper Coldstream Valley, Lakeview Canyon, and Schallenberger Ridge Area
Summit Canyon Area