2008 CORP Chapters (entire Plan 1.3 mb .pdf)
Executive Summary
Trends and Challenges
Public Opinions and Attitudes
California’s Protected Areas Database - Introduction and Overview (2008)
California’s Recreation Policy
Issues and Actions
Past Planning Grant Progress and Future Products

Appendix A: Outdoor Recreation Providers: Roles and Key Programs
Appendix B: California Outdoor Recreation Plan Public Outreach
Appendix C: California Outdoor Recreation Plan Advisory Committee
Appendix D: Open Project Selection Process

2008 CORP Research Elements/Stand-alone Publications

2008 Survey on Public Opinions and Attitudes on Outdoor Recreation in California
The Summary Findings (12 pages, 1.1 mb .pdf) provides an overview of the results from the adult and youth surveys. The summary also includes a section on Hispanic and regional differences and overall recommendations.

The Complete Findings(300 pages, 3.9 mb .pdf)provide detailed findings, analysis and trend data for each of the four demographics: adult, youth, Hispanic and regional. This expanded report also includes respondent socio-demographics and the original survey instruments.

California Recreation Policy
The State Park and Recreation Commission is charged with developing a Recreation Policy for the State of California in cooperation with other state agencies, interested organizations and citizens. See the 2005 Recreation Policy (1 mb .pdf), adopted at the September 23, 2005 Commisssion meeting.

Past CORP Documents and Publications