What is the SCORP?

The Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) serves as a guide for all public outdoor recreation in urban and rural neighborhoods, cities, and regions.  The SCORP is inclusive in that it represents a plan developed for all local agencies within California.  The SCORP Team welcomes and encourages public input and partnerships with health organizations, foundations, and universities throughout the SCORP development process.

California’s 2021-2025 SCORP

SCORP website


2015 SCORP Products and Supporting Documents 

The following documents were funded with LWCF planning grants and completed by California State Parks' former Planning Division to support the California Outdoor Recreation Plan (CORP).  (Please note references to CORP are now SCORP per the Land and Water Conservation Fund, 16 USC, Chapter 1, Subchapter XLIX, Part B, § 4601-8 (b).)

  Survey on Public Opinions and Attitudes on Outdoor Recreation in California (SPOA) 2012, Complete Findings (January 2014)
  See the online tool at www.parks.ca.gov/SPOA, for interactive data about the SPOA.

  Outdoor Recreation in California's Regions 2013
   For the first time since 1979, California State Parks offers a report on outdoor recreation at the regional level in California.

2011 Economic Study on Outdoor Recreation in California consists of the following two reports:

Statewide Contributions and Benefits
This report quantifies the economic contribution from statewide outdoor recreation to California’s economy. Outdoor recreation trip and equipment expenditures totaled almost $21 billion in California in 2008 and supported about 200,000 jobs. When economic multiplier effects are included, these figures rise to nearly $40 billion and about 313,000 jobs.Fact Sheet

State Park System Contributions and Benefits
This report quantifies the economic contribution to the state economy from California’s State Park System. The State Park System generated an annual average economic contribution to California’s economy of about $6.8 billion dollars and 56,000 jobs from fiscal year 2006-08.  This economic activity also generated about $410 million in state government revenues and $140 million in local government revenues, returning over two dollars to the state treasury for each dollar spent on operating and maintaining the State Park System. Fact Sheet 

  2013 California Recreation Trails System (CRTS): Collaborative Lessons from the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail, California Coastal Trail and Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail

  Map Book for CRTS Collaborative Lessons (23 maps total):
     Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail (7 maps)
     California Coastal Trail (9 maps)
     Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail (7 maps)

2010 Alternative Camping Survey
For this research element, California State Parks’ Planning Division conducted a study of the state park system’s alternative camping facilities, which consist of cabins, tent cabins, cottages,* and floating campsites. The study surveyed over 3,000 people who stayed in the 108 facilities from 2007 to 2010, as well as 67 California State Parks staff and concessionaires responsible for the campsites’ management and maintenance. Survey findings and recommendations provide insight for recreation providers of similar facilities.
*A related Recreation Opportunity Bulletin primarily for California State Parks staff includes information and recommendations based partly on this report. Because cottages do not provide the typical alternative camping experience, data for cottages are excluded from the bulletin.