
Required Parking Fee at Bridgeport of $10.00 Memorial Day weekend through October 1st and a reduced seasonal fee required of $5.00 the rest of the year in the following areas:

  • North Parking lot interior
  • North Parking lot outside of perimeter fence
  • South Parking lot


There are no fees required in the following areas of Bridgeport:

  • Cemetery parking lot
  • Alongside Pleasant Valley Road, if it is safe and legal to do so


*When no staff is available to accept your payment, a self-payment system is required and will be verified. Please use the Iron Ranger envelopes provided to pay your fees; please put the top half of the envelope face side up, clearly visible on the dashboard of your vehicle, and the bottom envelope in the Iron Ranger.*

**Exact cash and check are accepted year-round in Iron Ranger envelopes: change cannot be made in the Visitor Center. Credit Cards are accepted at the yellow and blue Automated Pay Machine (APM) in either the south or north Parking Lot.**

Highway 49 Crossing, Jones Bar, Edwards Crossing & Purdon Crossing

No fees are required for parking at these crossings.

Note: Please be sure to use good judgment when parking on the roadside shoulder at any of these crossings. To best avoid citation and/or getting your car towed away be sure to adhere to the following:

  • Read all signage related to parking restrictions in the area you plan to park;
  • Be sure not to park your vehicle over the white fog line or have your vehicle parked in such a way as to obstruct traffic;
  • Absolutely no parking anywhere on any bridge (the surest way to have your vehicle towed away)

If you frequently visit state parks that charge a fee you might want to consider purchasing an annual pass. To purchase an annual pass please visit the site below:

The only park passes accepted at South Yuba River State Park are California State Park issued passes (the Golden Poppy Pass and the California Explorer Pass). National Park passes are unfortunately not valid.