Air Quality Management Program Information

Oceano Dunes District Air Quality Management Program

Notice of Preparation of a Subsequent EIR and Public Scoping Meeting

Notice of Preparation [Posted 6/17/2019]

Scoping Meeting Presentation 7/2/2019

Oceano Dunes SVRA 2019 Preliminary Concept Draft PMRP


Revised Notice of Preparation and Public Scoping Meeting, Oceano Dunes SVRA Dust Control Project EIR

The OHMVR Division previously circulated a Notice of Preparation (NOP) and Initial Study for the Dust Control Project EIR for public review in December 2012 (State Clearinghouse No. 2012121008). Since then, the OHMVR Division has revised the Dust Control project area and activities and reduced the duration of the program covered by the EIR. Accordingly, the OHMVR Division is issuing a revised NOP and Public Scoping Meeting Notice. [2/5/15]

Analyses of Spring 2013 Wind and PM10 Data Collected from within the Dunes

Rule 1001 Required Temporary Baseline Monitoring Program

Oceano Dunes SVRA Draft Particulate Matter Reduction Plan

Oceano Dunes SVRA Draft Monitoring Site Selection Plan

Draft Monitoring Site Selection Plan - February 28, 2012

San Luis Obispo APDC Rule 1001

Comment Letters Provided to the San Luis Obispo APCD Board