The Basic Interpretation Learning System (BILS) represents a major milestone in interpretive training.  It provides our Department's first-ever comprehensive, standardized resource for introductory interpretation training.  It is a valuable guide for any interpreter who provides programs and services directly to the public.  BILS serves as both a stand-alone resource and as part of a training package that includes student workbooks.

Through BILS and the related training that should accompany it, the Department is providing you with the tools to realize your full potential as an interpreter.

Personal use of the documents made available for download on this site is encouraged.  However, no document or any portion thereof may be used for commercial purposes, nor may they be published in any medium or format without prior written permission from the State of California.  All commercial rights to use materials made available on this site are reserved by the State of California unless expressly granted otherwise in writing.  For commercial use, contact the Interpretation and Education Division at (916) 654-2249 or

Table of Contents
Module 1 - Introduction
Module 2 - Purpose and Value 
Module 3 - Communication
Module 4 - Planning
Module 5 - Programs
Module 6 - Talks
Module 7 - Walks
Module 8 - Campfire
Module 9 - Kids
Module 10 - Roving
Module 11 - Audiovisual
Module 12 - Evaluation
Module 13 - Professionalism