Title Page 2004 Performance Management Report
Table of Contents

Sunset Fisherman at Pismo SB  Introduction & The Pathway to the Seventh Generation
This report is the biennial status of performance outcomes and measures for the California Department of Parks and Recreation. This also contains a summary of the information contained in the Department’s publication “The Seventh Generation,” the Strategic Vision of California State Parks.

Under the Umbrella of the Mission  Performance Management System
The Performance Management System diagrams the department’s core business activities that are derived from the mission and represent the unique functions the Department.   Following each core program is a desired outcome. Each outcome is assessed by a set of measures that together indicate the degree of success accomplished during each measurement period.

McArthur-Burney Falls SP  Natural Resource Protection
California State Parks is the steward of some of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. With the role of stewardship comes the responsibility to preserve, and when necessary restore, these natural systems of state and national significance.

Church at Bodie SHP Cultural Resource Protection
Cultural resources include buildings and structures, historic landscapes, archaeological sites, artifacts, and documents that collectively represent California’s rich and diverse cultural heritage.

Nature Trail at Calaveras Big Trees SP  Facilities
California State Parks is responsible for the care and maintenance of the many facilities under its stewardship. The condition and upkeep of the infrastructure leave a lasting impression on visitors to parks and protect the State’s assets for future generations to enjoy.

Living History at Columbia SHP  Education and Interpretation
Education and interpretation are essential to the achievement of the California State Parks mission. Interpretive and educational experiences add intrinsic value to the visitors’ experience in our parks. Simultaneously, the public gains knowledge, appreciation for and insight into California’s natural and cultural heritage, thereby leading to an understanding of the need to preserve the resources found both inside and outside of state parks.

Rangers at Indian Grinding Rock SHP  Public Safety
More than 85 million people visit California State Parks each year. The Department employs over 800 peace officers to safeguard both visitors and the resources themselves. Rangers and lifeguards provide not only law enforcement and aquatic rescue services, they also provide public education through interpretation.

Windsurfing at Candlestick Point SRA  Recreation
The Department’s mission and legislative charge state a mandate to provide high quality recreational opportunities and experiences for the public. Recreation surveys have consistently shown that Californians feel that outdoor recreation areas, services, and facilities are essential to their quality of life.