Learner Role

How do I log in?

  • Start with training.parks.ca.gov and go to the FOCUS tab
  • If you are not connected to the Parks network, you will need to authenticate your login

How do I obtain an Active Directory Account Username and Password?

  • Contact the IT Support Desk

What if I can’t log in?

  • If you didn’t update your email address in the ETMS, then it may not be matching you with your new email address and/or username
  • If you aren’t able to get past the first screen, please send an email toFOCUS@parks.ca.govwith the following:
    • Current username (what you use to log in to your computer)
    • Current email
    • Older email address
    • Old username if applicable

What is the difference between Request Credit, External Files, and Submit Proof of Completion?

  • Request Credit:
    • this is used to request credit for a training taken externally that matches up with a course in the Training Catalog; it will not reflect in compliance reports if those need to be run or are required for the course. We have temporarily turned off this feature since it was creating confusion with outside/external training record documentation.
  • External Files:
    • this function allows the Learner to upload licenses, degrees, etc. This is not to be used for training certificates or completion certificates for training. They will not show up in compliance reports.
  • Submit Proof of Completion:
    • Preferred method of adding training to your record.
    • After registering for and taking a training, you may submit your Proof of Completion using this function to have it marked as complete and added to your training record. This is for courses that are not managed by a Training Specialist or the Training Section; they will add the training to your record

Who can add Education/License/Certificate to a Learner’s Profile?

  • A Learner can request to add items via the External Files upload.

How do I submit a training request and/or add external training to my record?

  • Trainings on the Training Schedule / in the Catalog
    • From the Learner’s Dashboard, go to View Course Catalog and browse or search for the course you wish to enroll and add to your cart.
    • Fill out the Course Request Form, confirm your request. Page 5 of 11 rev. 2023-04-19FOCUS Help File – New Information and FAQs
    • Go to Proceed to Checkout and submit your training request.
    • After completion of training:
      • If it’s a Training Section course, the Training Specialist will mark you as complete and it will appear on your training record/history
      • If it’s not a Training Section course:
        • Click on Submit Proof of Completion and fill out the information; you will upload your Certificate of Completion through this tool
  • Trainings not on the Training Schedule / in the Catalog
    • Option A: Prior to Course Start Date (ideal):
      • Course Information: Please view the Training Catalog on FOCUS to see if the course is listed:
      • If it is not:
        • Please fill out the Course Submittal Form
        • And include ALL of the Section information requested below in the field on the form
      • If it is:
        • Then proceed to submit the Section Information below
        • Section Information:
        • Please submit this to us prior to the training date(s) so we can set up the Section for you to enroll in.
        • Submit toFOCUS@parks.ca.govthe course name, the facility location (we must have the name and full address), dates, start/end time, capacity limit, provider information (we must have the name, address), registration link (if applicable), cost, and hours and we will add it as a Section that you can submit enrollment for.
        • No DPR 392 needed, as it is electronic within FOCUS
        • You must register for the course prior to attending on FOCUS (and with the external provider if required), then Submit a Proof of Completion to receive credit after taking the course for it to be added to your training record/history.
    • Option B: If the training has already occurred:
      • We’re updating the way we handle outside courses since most of them need to be tracked for requirements.
      • In the meantime:
        • Please send us the certificates and the following: the course name, the facility name/city, dates, start/end time, provider information, cost, and the total hours and we will add it as a Section. (If we don’t have the Course listed in the Catalog, we may ask you to fill out the Course Submittal Form.)
        • From there we can enroll you and you can use the Submit Course Completion to upload your certificates and add the courses properly onto your training record.

Where are the required CPT’s for Peace Officers?

  • We are in the process of creating them and adding them. There are already some on the dashboard.

Where are all our required trainings?

  • We are in the process of adding Continued Professional Training (CPT-trainings that have a repeat interval) and Learning Paths (LP-trainings that are to be taken one time).

How do I change my name?

  • Please submit a request to the FOCUS@parks.ca.gov mailbox with a reason for your change.

I have just completed a Travel Advance and need a copy of my approved Training Request. Where do I go to print a copy?

  • From the Learner’s Dashboard, go to Training Requests to find the training request for the course. Click on the Details link on the left to view/print a copy of the approved Training Request.

I have just completed a Travel Expense Claim and need a copy of my approved Training Request and Certificate of Completion. Where do I go to print a copy?

  • From the Learner’s Dashboard, go to Training Requests find the training request for the course. Click on the Details link on the left to view/print a copy of the approved Training Request.
  • From the Learner’s Dashboard, go to the Completed Internal Courses section, click on the name of the course you need, then click on Download Certificate link next to the course name to view/print a copy of your certificate.

John Smith says he submitted an external training request and attended the training but he can’t find the course on his training record. Who can enter that program to the Learner’s Training Record?

  • A Supervisor or Manager

John Smith says he attended a CPR program at another district (no Training Request was submitted) and needs it enter into his record. Who can enter the program for the Learner?

  • From the Learner’s Dashboard, go to the Request Credit option, fill out required information, including the number of credits and an attachment of your proof of completion, and submit your request for credit. Your request will be routed to your Supervisor for review/approval.
  • Supervisor or Manager

Where can a Learner find a syllabus/roster for a program?

  • This function is not available to Learner’s at this time; please request one from the Training Specialist assigned to the training course.

Where do I find training records for training that occurred prior to ETMS and prior to FOCUS?

  • Records prior to the ETMS (1999) are stored in hard copy at the Mott Training Center.
  • ETMS records were cut off from data entry on April 30, 2021. Records from the ETMS prior to April 30, 2021 should have been downloaded by staff prior to turning the system off. If you did not do this, reach out to the FOCUS team via email requesting a copy of your training record. Where is the Training Schedule?
  • The Training Schedule is now the Training Catalog in FOCUS.

Supervisor Role

If Supervisor have been assigned to the Training Group they will see ALL the Learners in that Training Group. Supervisors will see their subordinates on the Management Dashboard under the Direct reports block.

I’m a new Supervisor, where do I go to get the role assigned?

  • You need to fill out a Supervisor Role Request available on the FOCUS sub page of the Training Section intranet page or in DocuSign.

Where does a Supervisor go to add Continuing Professional Training (CPT) or a Learning Path to a Learner’s required programs?

  • Learning Paths can be added / removed under the Learners tab. (A Supervisor will have this ability, the function is currently being revised.)
  • CPT can be added under the Learner tab- (A Supervisor will have the ability to add CPT to their Learners. This function is currently being developed, please do not add or create new CPT until we send out a notification that it is completely ready.)

How does a Supervisor get Supervisor’s rights/capabilities?

  • Please fill out the FOCUS Supervisor Role Request Form on the Training Section Intranet page and/or in DocuSign and submit

How does a Supervisor add / remove a Learner from their Learner listing?

  • To add go to the Managed Learners block on the Dashboard and enter a few letters of their last name
  • To remove, recommend the Learner goes to their new Supervisor or you may Remove

If a Learner does not complete a request for training prior to attending, what do you do?

  • See “How do I submit a training request and/or add external training to my record?”

How do you delete a training course from a Learner’s Training Record (reducing error and duplication)?

  • The trainings can be managed via the Learners Tab to Active Learner to Enrollments to Enrollment History

How do I assign a proxy Supervisor if I’m going to be out of the office?

  • Use the Delegate Manager function on your Supervisor Role Dashboard; please note this is for temporary assignment (e.g. vacation)

Where do I go to view my Learner’s records?

  • The Learner’s Tab to Active Learners

Where do I go to approve training?

  • As a Supervisor you will receive system notifications via email for all training requests for your Managed Learners. You can directly review the training Page 8 of 11 rev. 2023-04-19FOCUS Help File – New Information and FAQs request information, approve/deny/or request for more information from the notification.
  • You can also go to your Supervisor – Management Dashboard to review the training request information, approve/deny/or request for more information.

Where do I go to run the reports that we need?

  • The Reports tab, if you don’t have the tab or need access to certain reports, email FOCUS@parks.ca.gov

Training Specialist Role

Instructor Requests:

  • An Instructor Request (Course Leader Requests) is issued through our internal platform, Aspire. A Learner, Supervisor, and Training Group Manager will access them for approval/denial on this site.

Manager Role

Managers should reside in the Training Group of their Learners. Managers should NOT use the Managed Learners function on the dashboard to add new Learners to their supervisory chain; they should only use the Supervisors dashboard.

Training Group Managers (one per Training Group): Profiles (Supervisor/Training Group) should only be updated by the FOCUS Administrators to keep integrity of the approval chain. If the Supervisor of a Training Group Manager changes, please notify us to update your Direct Supervisor manually; if not, then you will be routed to the new Training Group of your Supervisor and lose access to your employees. If a Manager of a Training Group transfers/retires/leaves, the lead Administrative Officer/person for the Training Group needs to notify the FOCUS Administrators ASAP to update to the new designated Manager.

If Manager/Supervisor have been assigned to the Training Group they will see ALL the Learners in that Training Group. Supervisors will see their subordinates on the management dashboard under the Direct reports block.

If a Learner has the same Supervisor and Manager, who does the Training Request go to for approval?

  • The Supervisor role will get the email and it will appear on the Supervisor’s Management Dashboard.
  • Then the Manager role will get the email and it will appear on the Training Group Manager’s Management Dashboard

Where do I go to approve training?

  • As a Manager you will receive system notifications for all training requests in your training group that need Manager level approval. You can directly review the training request information, approve/deny/or request for more information from the notification.
  • You can also go to your Manager– Management Dashboard to review the training request information, approve/deny/or request for more information.

How do I assign / proxy someone else to be the Manager?

  • Use the Delegate Manager function on your Manager Role Dashboard; please note this is for temporary assignment (e.g. vacation)

Information Role

How do I get access:

  • If you need statewide access a specific username and log in will need to be created for you. ContactFOCUS@parks.ca.gov
  • If you need access to just your Training Group, then request that through FOCUS@parks.ca.gov

How do I run the reports I need?

  • Reports tab

How do I access training records?

  • Learners tab

Instructor Role

Instructors will have two different roles in the system:

  • E-learning Instructors: Online learning content development and delivery (primarily will be using BlackBoard).
  • Section Instructors: Roster Management for internal courses, teach inperson/online trainings, and respond to Instructor Requests (primarily will not be using FOCUS but will be using Aspire).

We are using the Aspire platform for Instructor Requests and Course Roster Submissions:

  • Instructor Requests:
    • An Instructor Request (Course Leader Requests) tool is available to use by Training Specialists in Aspire. They will submit them to request Instructors for Training Section offered training courses.
  • Course roster submissions:
    • Please submit course rosters through Aspire.

To be added to the Instructor list in Aspire for Course Roster Submissions and Instructor Requests:

  • If you need to be added to the Instructor list, please send an email toFOCUS@parks.ca.gov with Instructor List in the subject line and include the following information in the email:
    • Last Name, First Name:
    • Email address:
    • Training Group:
    • Training Group Manager (e.g. Section/Division Manager/District Superintendent):
    • Supervisor’s Last Name, First Name, and Email address:
    • Domains/Areas you Instruct:


Who can submit a Training Request for a Learner?

  • Only a Learner

Who can assign a Learning Path to a Learner?

  • At this time FOCUS Administrators

How do we do a Group Roster?

  • See above Instructor Role

How do Learners view a roster for a course?

  • This feature is not currently available

Who can request a program be added to the Training Schedule?

  • If the course exists in the Training Catalog:
    • send an email to the FOCUS Support Team identifying the Name of the Course, the dates, location, lead Instructor(s), level of approval needed for a Section to be created for enrollment.
  • If the course does not exist in the Training Catalog:
    • Submit a Course Submittal Form (available on the FOCUS page of the Intranet)
    • And then follow up with an email to the FOCUS Support Team identifying the Name of the Course, the dates, location, lead Instructor(s), level of approval needed.

Who can assign a delegate/proxy?

  • Supervisors and Managers should delegate authority to another Supervisor/Manager in their Training Group when out of the office for an extended time
    • They must select a date range for this

Who can un-assign a delegate/proxy?

  • Supervisors and Managers

How do we reinstate an RA or former Learner?

  • Send an email to the FOCUS inbox requesting to reinstate them and identify their Supervisor/Training Group

Who can request a program be added to the Catalog?

  • Anyone, submit a Course Submittal Form (available on the FOCUS page of the Intranet)

How do you remove a Learner who is no longer with the Department?

  • To archive/remove employees:
    • please first verify that they have actually LEFT the Department (retirement, transfer, expire instead of just changed Training Groups/Supervisor)
    • If they’ve just moved to a new Supervisor/Training Group, please email them and ask that they have their Supervisor add them as a Managed Learner
    • If they have left the Department: please give us their names and we’ll archive them