

Special Events Attendance by Quarter




Dust-Off Fact Sheet


Sound Standards
40db(A) for more than 30 minutes, L50, or
45db(A) for more than 15 minutes, L25, or
50db(A) for more than 5 minutes, L8.3, or
55db(A) for more than 1 minute, L1.7, or
60db(A) for any period of time, Lmax.

Sound Monitoring
Sound Monitoring Locations Map
Sound Monitoring Data Fiscal Year 2014/15
Sound Monitoring Data January 2009 *
Sound Monitoring Data February/March 2009 **
Sound Monitoring Data April 2009

Sound Monitoring Data May 2008
Sound Monitoring Data June 2008
Sound Monitoring Data July 2008
Sound Monitoring Data August 2008
Sound Monitoring Data September 2008
Sound Monitoring Data October 2008
Sound Monitoring Data November 2008
Sound Monitoring Data December 2008

* The January 2009 report includes Chapter 9, Sessions 17 and 18.

**  Ambient noise monitoring for February 2009 (conducted by Wilson, Ihrig & Associate, Inc.) was combined with the March 2009 report due to inclement weather. The March 2009 report (including February information collected) continues with Chapter 10, Sessions 19 and 20.