Training Requests are due January 1st, 2012

Management Practices Group 24
(course starts in the First Half of the Training Schedule)
Dates: Week 1: December 12th-15th, 2011
Week 2: January 30th-February 2nd, 2012
Week 3: February 27th-March 1st, 2012
Location: Weeks 1 and 2: Marconi Conference Center
Week 3: Stanford Gallery, Sacramento
Training Specialist: Karyn Lombard

Supervisory Practices Group 14
(course starts in the First Half of the Training Schedule)
Dates: Week 1: January 9th-13th, 2012
           Week 2: February 6th-10th, 2012
           Week 3: March 5th-9th, 2012
Location: Stanford Gallery, Sacramento 
Training Specialist: Dave Galanti

The Museum System (TMS) Cultural Basic Group 1 (pre-selected)
Dates: January 17th-20th, 2012
Location: Sacramento 
Training Specialist: Sara M. Skinner
Syllabus: TMSCB1 Syllabus.pdf

Firearms Inspector Refresher Group 7
Dates: January 23rd-27th, 2012
Location: Mott Training Center Annex
Training Specialist: Matt Cardinet
NOTE: Training requests for this program are due by December 1st, 2011 

Resource Management Natural Intermediate Group 4 (pre-selected)
Dates: February 6th-9th, 2012
Location: Marconi Conference Center
Training Specialist: Sara M. Skinner
Syllabus: RMNI4 Syllabus.pdf

Training for District Interpreters Group 7 (pre-selected)
Dates: February 13th-17th, 2012
Location: Marconi Conference Center 
Training Specialist: Sara M. Skinner
Syllabus: TDI7 Syllabus.pdf

Supervisory Refresher Group 30 (pre-selected)
Dates: February 21st-22nd
Location: Angeles District Office, Calabasas
Training Specialist: Dave Galanti

Firearms Instructor Refresher Group 36
Dates: March 11th-15th, 2012
Location: Mott Training Center and San Benito Range
Training Specialist: Matt Cardinet
Syllabus:  FIRT36.pdf

Volunteer Management Group 23
Dates: March 19th-22nd, 2012
Location: Anza Borrego Room, One Capitol Mall, Sacramento
Training Specialist: Dave Galanti
Syllabus:  VM23 CHA 2 Syllabus _3_.pdf

Campground and Park Host Administration Group 2
Dates: March 21st-23rd, 2012
Location: Anza Borrego Room, One Capitol Mall, Sacramento
Training Specialist: Dave Galanti
Syllabus:  VM23 CHA 2 Syllabus _3_.pdf

Resource Management Cultural Advanced: Mothballing of Historic Buildings, Structures, and Landscapes  Group 3
Dates: March 25th-30th, 2012
Location: Marconi Conference Center  
Training Specialist: Chuck Combs
Syllabus:  RMCA3.pdf

Cooperating Association Liaison Skill Building Group 4 and
Partnership Skill Building Group 17
This will be a combination course and will end at 1700 on March 31st, 2012
Dates: March 27th-31st, 2012
Location: Mott Training Center 
Training Specialist: Sara M. Skinner
Syllabus:  PSB17 CALSB4 Syllabus-5.pdf 
NOTE: This is a combination of two classes: Cooperating Association Liaison Skill Building (Group 4) and Partnership Skill Building (Group 17). The class will start on Wednesday, March 28th, 2012 at 0800 and end at 1700 on Saturday, March 31st, 2012. Check in for registration will be Tuesday, March 27th, 2012. If you are a California State Parks employee you must register for both courses via ETMS; if you are a cooperating association member, you only need to register for Partnership Skill Building Group 17.

Intellectual Property Online Training Group 1
Dates: April 9th-May 11th, 2012
Location: Online
Training Specialist: Sara M. Skinner
Syllabus: Will be provided by main instructor via email

Disrict Trails Coordinator Workshop Group 3
Dates: April 17th-20th, 2012
Location:  Woodland Hills
Training Specialist: Chuck Combs
Syllabus:  DTCT3.pdf 

Supervisory Refresher Group 31 (pre-selected)
Dates: April 19th-20th, 2012
Location: Santa Cruz District, Location TBA
Training Specialist: Dave Galanti

Resource Management Group 18
Dates: April 15th-20th, 2012
Location: Mott Training Center 
Training Specialist: Sara M. Skinner
Syllabus:  RM18 Syllabus 1.pdf

OHV Interpretation Training Group 2
Dates: April 29th-May 4th, 2012
Location: Carnegie State Vehicular Recreation Area
Training Specialist: Sara M. Skinner
Syllabus: OHV Interp 2.pdf

Interpretive Special Event Training Group 1
Dates: May 10th, 2012 (videoconference)
          June 20th, 2012 (videoconference)
          July 25th-30th, 2012 Fort Ross State Historic Park
Training Specialist: Sara M. Skinner
Syllabus: ISET 1 Syllabus.pdf

Advanced Electrical Skills Group 12 - South
Online Session Dates - South: May 14th-25th, 2012
Hands-on Sessions:
South (California Citrus SHP): May 29th-June 1st, 2012
Training Specialist: Chuck Combs
Syllabus:  AES 12-S.pdf

Advanced Electrical Skills Group 12 - North
Online Session Dates - North: May 14th-June 8th, 2012
Hands-on Sessions:
North (Clear Lake SP): June 11th-14th, 2012
Training Specialist: Chuck Combs
Syllabus:  AES12-N.pdf

Ocean Lifeguard Training Program Session I 
Dates: Weekends: May 12th-13th, 19th-20th, 26th-27th, & June 2nd-3rd, 2012
Location: Huntington State Beach  
Training Specialist: Alex Peabody

Inland Reservoir Lifeguard Training Program Session I
Dates: June 11th-18th, 2012
Location: Lake Perris State Recreation Area  
Training Specialist: Alex Peabody

Ocean Lifeguard Training Program Session II 
Dates: June 16th-23rd, 2012
Location: Huntington State Beach  
Training Specialist: Alex Peabody

Advanced Trails Program: Maintenance and Management Group 8

Dates: June 24th-29th, 2012
Location: Mount San Jacinto State Park and Palm Springs
Training Specialist: Chuck Combs
Syllabus:  ATPMM8.pdf

Defensive Tactics Instructor Group 19
Dates: TBA
Location: TBA  
Training Specialist: Dan Kraft

EMR Instructor Refresher
Dates: TBA
Location: TBA  
Training Specialist: Dan Kraft

Boating Safety and Vessel Operations Training for Inland Waters
Dates: TBA
Location: TBA  
Training Specialist: Alex Peabody