Southgrove   New! South Grove Trail - Calaveras Big Trees SP
Distance: 4 3.5 to 5 miles (depending on route)
Difficulty:  Easy
Accessible: Yes
There is an elevation gain of 260 feet during the first 1.5 miles of the trail. Hikers will see a representation of redwood trees inside the South Grove. Once inside the preserve, hikers are then permitted to leave the trail to see sights such as the Agassiz Tree, the old logging railroad right of way, the Big Trees Creek and various wildlife. The trail has a beginning difficulty rating and meets ADA Recreational Trail Standards.

 Trail Map
 Information on Calaveras Big Trees SP

Angel Island   Perimeter Trail - Angel Island
Distance: 5 Miles (Round Trip)
Difficulty: Moderate to Challenging (Long Distance)
Accessible: Yes

The trail is 5 miles all the way around. Bicyclists are permitted to ride on the perimeter trail. Approximately 75 percent of the trail is paved with the remainder unpaved. Though the trail is long it is almost all level and relatively easy hike for all fitness levels. Nature enthusiasts will enjoy wildflowers such as yellow bush lupine, paintbrush and sticky monkey flower. Keep an eye out also for raccoons, deer, birds, and butterflies

 Trail Map
 More information on Angel Island SP

Folsom Lake   The Oaks Nature Trail - Folsom Lake SRA
Distance: 1.5 Mile (Round Trip)
Difficulty: Easy
Accessible: Yes

The trail is just over three quarters of a mile and is located in Folsom Lake SRA. It is a natural trail that is accessible for the disabled and is considered easy for all fitness levels. There are interpretive panels located throughout the trail. Nature enthusiasts will enjoy the oak woodland, lake shore views and the various creek side habitats. Wildlife that can be seen include: deer, fox, wild turkeys and various reptiles.

 Trail Map
 More information on Folsom Lake SRA

China Camp   Shoreline - China Camp SRA
Distance: 3 Miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Accessibility: Yes (Partially)

The Shoreline trail is a 1.5 mile trail that is very popular with hikers and cyclists alike. The trail itself is fairly level making it ideal for all levels of hiking fitness. Nature enthusiasts will enjoy the grassy meadows and the mixed woods which consist of madrone, coast live, black oak, California Bay and buckeye. In late winter, wildflowers such as milkmaids and shooting stars grow in the various grassy spots along the trail.

 Trail Map
 More Information on China Camp SRA

Cuyamaca   Stonewall Peak - Cuyamaca Rancho SP
Distance: 4 Mile Round Trip
Difficulty:  Moderate to Challenging
Accessible: No

The Stonewall Peak trail is a 4 mile trail starting -at Paso Picacho campground. On the way to the peak, the last section of the trail is on an exposed ridge. It can be considered difficult, but it does have steps and a handrail. Hikers have a 360 degree view at the top of the peak. Nature enthusiasts will see various trees and vegetation such as chaparral, oaks, and incense cedar.

 Trail Map
 Information on Cuyamaca Rancho SP