walk California Logo  

Virtual Hikes: Stay healthy and connected while recreating responsibly with a virtual hike. Participation is easy-
Get Active - Walk, hike, cycle, roll, scoot, or swim in your community and track your mileage.
Share Your Adventure - Post photos and chat about activity highlights on the WALK California group page. 


Capitol Walks  

City Walks Sacramento is part of the department's Take a Hike! program aimed at keeping us healthy and fit. Forget the doughnut at break and the "double-double cheese burger" at lunch; instead download the City Walks - Sacramento walking map and brochure. Choose from 10 different walks that all start from the Capitol.

 Brochure/Map (PDF, 2 pages)

Take a hike image   Walks in the City - San Diego
San Diego County Parks and Recreation has partnered with State Parks to encourage walking for health and wellness for San Diego County employees. Offering eight walks varying in length from .08 to 2.9 miles SanDiego joins the popular State Parks' program Take a Hike! City Walks.
 Brochure (pdf)

Family walking   About the Program
Hiking in your state parks is more than just a walk in the park.  It’s an exciting and affordable way to improve your health, control your weight, and enjoy the magnificent beauty of California with your family and friends.
 Get Fit Outdoors
 Hiking Safety
 What to Wear
 Where to Start?

Trail   The Take A Hike! Trails
Hiking in your state parks is more than just a walk in the park.  It's an exciting and affordable way to improve your health, control your weight, and enjoy the magnificent beauty of California with your family and friends.
 Take a Hike! Trail Maps
 On the Trail
 Respect the Parks
 All state parks with trails