Thank you for attending California Trails & Greenways 2024.

Please email for presentations from our Educational Sessions.

California trails and greenways 2024

Understanding the Past, Embracing the Future

As trail stewards, we seek to enhance access and opportunities for all trail users, while finding a balance between recreational use and resource protection. This takes the willingness to reflect on our history, the desire to take responsibility for our actions, andthe ability to anticipate future conditions and needs.

At this year’s event, we will explore the past, present and future of the role of trails in our ever-changing world.

Award Program

The Awards Program is an opportunity to bring acknowledgment and appreciation to the individuals, organizations, agencies, and business that, through their hard work, integrity, and social responsibility, have made outstanding contributions to promote, enhance, or expand public awareness and use of trails and greenways in California during the previous calendar year.

Congratulations to all our award winners!

CT&G 2024 Sponsors

Gold Sponsors


Placeworks Logo
East Bay Parks

Silver Sponsors

Alta Logo
AllTrails Logo
Pape Logo
I Zone Imaging Logo
WRA Logo
NCE Logo
Canycom Logo
Dudek Logo
Hana Logo
Parks CA logo
Ascent Logo
Parks Marin County Logo
RRM Logo
Blue DAG
sutter equipment

City of San Jose
Stop Digging
Outer Spatial




Brass Sponsors

Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority

Sierra State Parks Foundation

California Outdoor Recreation Foundation