This section is applicable to applicants selected by OGALS to move forward in the LWCF process, and OGALS will provide in-depth training upon grant recommendations. These post-selection requirements are the more complex federal requirements for the LWCF grant, including the Application and Revision Form and NEPA Pathway, the LWCF Boundary Map, and Section 106.


The Application and Revision Form (A&R) requests information on the project, other rights and interests within the project site, and the NEPA pathway (categorical exclusion, environmental assessment, or environmental impact study).  Contact your competitive OGALS Project Officer to obtain a form by email.

Review the possible Categorical Exclusion codes in the Federal Categorical Exclusions Resource  


The LWCF Boundary Map is required for all projects and shows the park area that will be protected in perpetuity for outdoor recreation purposes. Review the LWCF Boundary Map Instructions and Sample for more information. 


Section 106 requires federal agencies to consider the effects on historic properties (i.e., archaeological, tribal, and built environment cultural resources that are listed, or eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places) for federally funded or permitted projects or for projects proposed on federal land. Below are resources for all applicants to better understand the process.


Acquisition projects will be required to have a Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions (UASFLA) Appraisal and Independent Review or Waiver Valuation completed prior to grant closeout. For most acquisition projects, a UASFLA appraisal and independent review will be needed as they will not qualify for a waiver valuation. Please see the section on UASFLA appraisals in the LWCF Application Guide for 2023 (pages 45 – 46), and reach out to your competitive OGALS Project Officer with any questions.