Emmanuel Church

We continue to see progress on the Emmanuel Church restoration project. Plans have been sent to the State Fire Marshall for approval, and the restoration project should go out to bid in the fall 2022. If all goes according to the timeline, we should see construction start at the beginning of 2023. More information to follow as updates change.

St. John's Church

St Johns

Maintenance Staff has been working diligently since 2019 to repair exterior damage and improve structural hardening of St. Johns Church. Work includes the removal of an active beehive in the exterior walls of the building, vegetation management around the structure, repairing rot and filling woodpecker holes, replacing the roof with fire resistant materials (at left), and restoration of the cross atop the building. The upper half of the exterior of the facility is currently being repaired. The entire building is scheduled to be painted in the fall of 2022. 

St. John's window sills before and after repair

Restoration of the Cross Atop St. John's
St Johns Window Before St Johns Window After St Johns Cross Before Restoration of cross


Thomas House

Outhouse before Outhouse after The Thomas House is currently awaiting a new roof with fire resistant material, which should be completed in the fall of 2022. An outhouse located next this historical structure was recently rebuilt as an Eagle Scout Project. Stay tuned for updates regarding the Thomas House.


Interpretive Stamp Mill

Maintenance staff and volunteers are working to repair dry rot on a working stamp mill display (before photo at right). This stamp mill was likely used during the gold rush to crush gold bearing quartz to free the minerals contained within. Crews are rebuilding the stamp mill from the ground up and hope to have it back online by the fall of 2022. Watch the progress of replacing the base on a timelapse video on our YouTube channel.

Stampmill before

Installing the new base on the stamp mill

Stampmill replacing the base 1 Stamp mill base 2  


Other Park Improvements

IOOF Sign St Johns sign Water stations
Our staff and volunteers are continually making improvements such as replacing fading or damaged signage and installing new water stations throughout the park. There is always something new and exciting happening at the park.