Recreational Gold Panning

During the spring months, due to the large volumn of school groups visiting the park, Gold Panning lessons may not be available to the public. Please call ahead for availability.

Gold panning is allowed during park hours on the east side of the river across Mount Murphy Bridge.  Hands and Pans only! No other mining equipment is allowed to protect historic resources in the park. Park visitors need to provide their own pan from home, or pans can purchased in the Marshall Gold Mercantile in the museum building.    

Gold Panning Lessons

Learn how to pan for gold by taking a 15 minute lesson with us, then spend the next half hour panning the troughs looking for garnets, fools gold, and real gold flakes!

Gold Panning lessons are being offered most days at 10 am, 11 am, 1 pm, 2 pm and 3 pm. Please call 530.622.3470 for availabitility. Public panning is on a first come first serve basis. 

Gold panning lessons will NOT be available when the temperature is above 100 degrees.

Fee: $10 per person.

For more information, please call the museum at (530) 622-3470.