Construction of 22 Additional Bike Turnouts
to Start June 3, at Mount Diablo State Park

California State Parks, in partnership with the California State Parks Foundation, Mount Diablo Cyclists, and community donors, will start construction on Monday, June 3, on 22 new bike turnouts at Mount Diablo State Park (SP). Once completed, these 22 new turnouts will bring the total turnouts in the park to 67. Turnouts allow bicyclists, who move at slower speeds as they pedal uphill, to pull out of the main traffic lane into their own lane so that vehicles can pass safely.

“State Parks is very excited to implement these critical safety measures with our partners,” said Diablo Range District Superintendent Clint Elsholz. “Each turnout can provide our visitors with a safer and more enjoyable park experience.”

Project construction is expected to be completed by fall 2024. Here is what the public can expect during construction:

  • The three park roads receiving new turnouts (South Gate Road, Summit Road and North Gate Road) will be closed on weekdays, from 8 a.m. on Monday through 2 p.m. on Friday. The park will be fully open on the weekends during the project.
  • This work will be done in three phases, with the first phase beginning on June 3, on South Gate Road. Southgate Road will remain closed on weekdays for approximately five weeks until the project moves to Summit Road and then to North Gate Road.
  • Vehicles, bicyclists, equestrians, and hikers will be prohibited on the closed roads until the project is completed.
  • Camping will only be allowed on Friday and Saturday nights in campgrounds along closed roads.
  • All trails and fire roads will remain open throughout the project.

At the completion of this important road safety project, California State Parks and its partners will plan a celebration event to commemorate these safety improvements and recognize contributors to the project. Road closures updates and celebration event information will be provided at

Public safety at this popular destination remains a priority for State Parks. Over the past few years, several safety enhancements have been implemented, such as double yellow line striping on the roads, designating passing areas, repaving portions of the road, improving safety signage, and installing designated bike turnouts. To date, State Parks has installed 45 bike turnouts at Mount Diablo SP. Along South Gate Road, there are a total of 17 turnouts, 16 along North Gate Road, and 12 along Summit Road.

bike turnout examples