WE will provide:

  • water filters
  • hot water for AM/PM meals
  • traditional teas

YOU will provide:

  • transportation
  • bring all your own food
  • be able to hike up to 10 miles per day
  • tent/sleeping bag/ sleeping pad
  • all equipment on checklist

Note: Your backpack should contain only necessary equipment and weigh no more than ¼ of your body weight. Reduce weight by sharing communal gear (water filter, camp kitchen hardware).

10 Essentials

1.      Backpack with waist straps
2.      Sun Protection
             a.   Sunscreen
             b.   Lip balm
             c.   Hat/sunglasses
3.      Insulation
              a.   Jacket, vest, pants, gloves, hat (see clothing)
              b.   Sleeping bag and pad
4.      Illumination
              a.  Headlamp or flashlight
              b.   Extra batteries
5.      First-Aid Basic Care Supplies
              a.   Antiseptic wipes
              b.    Assorted adhesive bandages (fabric preferred)
              c.    Blister treatment (moleskin)
              d.    Splinter (fine-point) tweezers
              e.     Ibuprofen/pain-relief medication
              f.     Antihistamine to treat allergic reactions
              g.   Prescription medications (inhalers, epinephrine, etc.)
              h.   Hand sanitizer
6.      Fire
              a.  Matches or lighter
              b.  Waterproof container
7.      Repair Kit and Tools
              a.   Knife or multi-tool
              b.   Repair kits for stove, mattress; duct tape strips
8.      Nutrition
              a.   Camp kitchen (see below)
              b.    Sufficient food for entire trip
9.      Hydration
              a.   Water bottles or hydration reservoirs (we recommend 2 liters) 
              b.   Water filter or other treatment system
10.  Shelter
              a.   Tent, tarp, bivy or reflective blanket

Recommended Clothing

* Check the weather before hand and plan accordingly

Wicking t-shirt (synthetic or wool) 1 for day, 1 for night
Wicking underwear
Quick-drying pants or shorts
Long-sleeve shirt (for sun, bugs)
Sun-shielding hat
Bandana or buff
Gloves or mittens
Rainwear (jacket, pants) - weather dependent
Fleece jacket or vest, and pants
Beanie or head warmer
Hiking boots or hiking shoes
Socks (synthetic or wool) plus spares
Sandals (for fording, in camp)

Camp Kitchen Basics

Water bottles
Plates, bowls, utensils (with knife)
Mugs/cups (measuring cups)
Matches/ lighter
Snacks(Examples: bars, gels, trail mix)


Toothbrush and toothpaste
Toilet paper
Sanitation trowel
Hand sanitizer

Beyond the 10 Essentials

Pack cover for rain
Tarp to sleep on (or for under tent)
Stuff sack or compression sack for sleeping bag
Pillow or stuff-able pillow case
Whistle (plus signaling mirror)
Trekking poles
Energy beverages or drink mixes
Nylon cord (hanging food/clothes)
Backup water treatment (i.e. iodine pills)
Outdoor journal and pen or pencil
ID & Credit card; small amount of cash
Insect repellent
Quick-dry towel
Cell/satellite phone
Trip itinerary left with friend and under car seat