As authorized under the Coastal Zone Management Act, the National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) provides decision-makers with information and insight into effective protection and management options for estuarine resources.  In 1996, as part of the NERR program, the Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve held a day-long workshop for coastal decision-makers.  Based on the success of this workshop and subsequent coastal decision-maker workshops thereafter, the Reserve has worked to develop and implement a long-term Coastal Training Program that reaches out to current, near-future, and future decision-makers affecting the coast and surrounding watershed. The TRNERR Coastal Training Program offers a systematic approach that inventories current programs, determines training needs, and offers opportunity for partnership and collaboration across the US/Mexico border. This program is designed to complement other NERR Coastal Training Programs and to support the overall restoration and management goals of the TRNERR.

The Coastal Training Program is a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) funded program, within the National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS). The CTP is voluntary, and implementation of the program follows a phased basis. Participating NERR’s follow a guided set of procedures, including the creation of an advisory committee and completion of nationally reviewed planning documents. Nearly three-quarters of the Tijuana River Watershed lies in Mexico, so Tijuana River NERR CTP activities are geared towards both sides of the US-Mexico border. All partners stand to benefit from a coordinated and targeted training and education program that identifies key coastal management issues, relevant audiences, and tailored training and education programs.