
Many State Park System units experience operational, resource management and/or land use problems associated with privately owned lands located within or adjacent to the park units.  Therefore, it is essential for the State Parks to be in a position to acquire in-holdings and adjacent parcels when they become available.  The State Park and Recreation Commission, in establishing property acquisition guidelines for the State Park System, considers acquiring in-holdings a top priority.

Note:  these guidelines are current as of fiscal year 2024-25;  updates will be posted here when available.


1. State Parks is seeking various in-holding and adjacent land proposals that are predominately smaller in acreage and can be purchased for less than $500,000 or acquired at no cost.

2. Candidate properties for in-holding status must be at least 50 percent (50%) surrounded by existing State Park ownership.

3. Candidate properties for adjacent land status must have at least one contiguous boundary with or be in the immediate vicinity of an existing State Park ownership.


A.     CSP ownership would improve operations of an existing State Park unit and eliminate potential and/or existing management problems associated with the in-holding or adjacent properties.

B.     Candidate parcels contain important natural, cultural and/or recreation values and/or provide a significant buffer for an existing State Park unit.

C.    Candidate parcels would accommodate needed facilities that cannot be constructed on existing park lands.

D.    Candidate parcels help achieve high priorities of the Central Valley Vision Implementation Plan.