7/27/2024    Tomales Bay SP

Junior Rangers: Geology of the Bay

Junior Ranger Logo












 Saturday July 27th, 2024

10:30am-11:30am at Heart's Desire Beach

Calling all Junior Rangers! Are you ready to embark on a geological adventure? Join us as we explore the geologic features and secrets of Tomales Bay. This program is designed for young explorers eager to learn about the fascinating world of rocks, earthquakes, minerals, and sand! 

What will you discover?

  • The San Andreas Fault: Did you know that Tomales Bay sits right on top of one of the most famous geological features in the world? Learn how the San Andreas Fault has shaped the landscape over millions of years and see the dramatic effects of tectonic plate movements.

  • Rock Formations: Explore the diverse rock formations that make up the area. From ancient marine sedimentary rocks to more recent deposits, you'll learn to identify different types of rocks and understand how they were formed.

  • Earthquakes, Erosion, and Sand: Find out how natural processes like earthquakes and erosion continue to shape Tomales Bay today. See firsthand the impact of these powerful forces and how they contribute to the ever-changing landscape.

  •  Hands-On Activities: Get your hands dirty with fun, interactive activities! Identify different rock and sand types through observation, and learn what happens to sand structures in an earthquake demonstration!

Who can join?

The Junior Ranger Program is suited for children ages 7-12 years old. Registration is not required. Program is limited to 15 individuals.

What to bring?

All program materials are provided. Participants should dress appropriately for the weather, wear sturdy shoes, bring water, sunscreen, and a snack.


 Contact Information:

For more information regarding the Junior Ranger program at Tomales Bay State Park, please contact:

Kaylie Williams, State Park Interpreter 1
