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Big Rock is a popular Southern California climbing spot located within Lake Perris State Recreation Area in Riverside County. Big rock is just that, a giant granite rock approximately 180 feet high. It hosts 34 recognized routes that range from a modest 4th class to a 5.10d with one A3 route. Although most routes are single pitch, or suitable for top rope, we have a couple of multi-pitch that take you to the upper level of the rock and several of the more challenging routes. It’s popular with mostly beginning and intermediate climbers, but provides some aggressive opportunities for that more advanced climber looking for a quick urban workout. A route map is provided at the base of the rock, and they are also printed in several Southern California climbing guides.

  • Big Rock has approximately 110 bolts on its face and no more are permitted. Please enjoy the routes already established. If you need to add some excitement try some traverses between routes. We also ask that if you must aid up the flakes, please use nuts only.
  • The climbing area is open year round although the best temperatures are from late September to about mid June. Big Rock boasts a west face so it provides shade in the morning and long evenings during day light savings.
  • Equipment requirements are fairly light: quick draws, runners, 165 feet of rope, and a selection of nuts and/or anchors.
  • It’s an easy approach to the climbing area requiring about a half mile hike along a paved road.  Chemical toilets and picnic tables are provided, but you must provide your own water, and the park does not rent climbing gear.  
  • All climbing is at your own risk. The Department of Parks and Recreation does not install or maintain any fixtures or equipment on Big Rock.