To accelerate decarbonization in the transportation sector to support a livable climate in Los Angeles, Zero Emissions Transit (ZET) and LA Aerial Rapid Transit Technologies LLC (LA ARTT LLC) are proposing the construction of a zero-emission Los Angeles Aerial Rapid Transit (LA ART) project and aerial gondola with passenger-carrying cabins. This project would connect El Pueblo de Los Angeles, Union Station, Chinatown, Mission Junction and Solano Canyon to Dodger Stadium. The project also involves a station that would be erected within, and aerially cross over, the southern edge of Los Angeles State Historic Park (LASHP).

The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Transportation Authority (LA Metro), the regional transportation agency for Los Angeles County, is the lead agency of the project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the entity to review, approve, and certify the Environmental Impact Report (EIR).

California State Parks continues to monitor the proposed LA ART project and its potential impacts to LASHP.

To date, State Parks reviewed the Draft EIR for this project and provided comments on those project elements and proposals potentially affecting the park unit.

Due to the need for a general plan amendment (GPA) or revision to the LASHP General Plan, State Parks is a responsible agency to this project per CEQA. The State Park and Recreation Commission (SPRC) is the decision-making body that has the approval authority over GPAs or revisions for the State Park System.

State Parks’ general plan process will involve a public outreach effort to gather input to help inform the department’s consideration of the project.

When a GPA or general plan process is undertaken, there will be multiple opportunities for the public to comment and provide input to the proposed action. This will include a hearing at a scheduled SPRC meeting.

Below are some key updates on the project. 

  • Feb. 22, 2024: The LA Metro Board of Directors certified the EIR.
    • State Parks was not the decision-making agency for the LA ART project Final EIR. LA Metro, as the lead agency, reviewed, approved, and certified the LA ART project EIR on February 22.
  • Dec. 4, 2023: After receiving and assessing public comment and input, a Final EIR was released.
  • October 2022: LA Metro released the resulting (Draft EIR).
  • October 2020: LA Metro kicked off a public outreach and environment review process.

Detailed information can be found on LA Metro’s website:


As of March 19, 2024

Has State Parks reviewed or is it aware of the LA ART Project and its EIR?
State Parks is a responsible agency under CEQA as it has discretionary approval authority over the project due to the need for a GPA or revision to authorize the portion of the project affecting LASHP.  State Parks is aware of the proposed LA ART project and has cooperated as a responsible agency, including consultation in preparation of the Draft EIR. In particular, State Parks provided comments on the LA ART project Draft EIR on those project elements and proposals affecting LASHP.

Who approves the LA ART Project Final EIR?
LA Metro is the lead agency and decision-making body that approved and certified the LA ART project Final EIR.  

Does State Parks have a role in the overall approval of this Project?
Due to the need for a GPA or revision to the LASHP General Plan, State Parks is a responsible agency to this project per CEQA. The SPRC is the decision-making body that has the approval authority over GPAs or revisions for the State Park System.

What are the next steps now that the LA ART EIR is approved?
The LA ART project is required to obtain a LASHP GPA, which would be necessary to authorize such a project in the park. A GPA or general plan revision is subject to the review and approval of SPRC. Additional approvals will also be required from the City of Los Angeles and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) before the project is constructed.

Will there be opportunities to provide input and public comment during the General Plan process?
State Parks’ general plan process will involve a public outreach effort to gather input to help inform the department’s consideration of the project.

When a GPA or general plan process is undertaken, there will be multiple opportunities for the public to comment and provide input to the proposed action. This will include a hearing at a scheduled SPRC meeting.

Is LA ART aware of this required GPA or general plan process?
State Parks has informed the LA ART project of a GPA and/or revision process that would be required for their proposed project to be approved and authorized at LASHP. This process is noted in the EIR as are other post-EIR certification review and approval processes that will be required through the City of Los Angeles and Caltrans.