All requests for scientific research permits that involve biological, geological, or soil investigations/collections must be submitted on a DPR 65 (Rev. 09/2018) - APPLICATION AND PERMIT TO CONDUCT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND COLLECTIONS form. [DPR 65 Application in pdf format] A study proposal and supporting documents are also required. For paleontological research, please skip below to the Application for Paleontological Investigation/Collection Permits.

A complete application package includes:

  • Completed, signed DPR 65 form
  • Signed DPR 65A Optional Insurance Addendum (if requested by Permit Coordinator)
  • Signed DPR 65B Optional Liability Waiver Addendum (if requested by Permit Coordinator)
  • CV or resume for Principal Investigator
  • CV or resume for person overseeing field work (if different from PI)
  • Maps, coordinates, and/or GIS files of each distinct study location
  • Full study proposal (see Study Proposal Guidelines for Research in California State Parks for essential components)
  • Copies of any additional local, state, and/or federal permits required for your research
  • A summary report of activities completed under your previous California State Park scientific research and collecting permit (permit renewals only)

This information is needed to evaluate the merits of your work as well as its potential impacts on park resources, operations, and visitors. Your application may be rejected or returned to you for revisions if it is deemed incomplete.

Application submissions:

California State Parks are grouped regionally into districts. These administrative units will determine where you need to send your permit application. Consult this CA State Park map to determine whether your proposed study area falls within a single park district or multiple park districts.

Single park district requests will be sent to the appropriate district office.

Multi-district or statewide requests will be sent to the Natural Resources Division.

Palentological investigation collection permit requests will be sent to Natural Resources Division.

If you have any questions regarding this process, send an email with your question as the subject line with any supporting information and screenshots relevent to your query in the body to: