Proposition 1 Allocation Balance Report

as of August 18, 2023

Water Code 79700 et seq.

Prop 1 ABR Header
Water Code
Water Code
Department ProgramAllocationProp 68
Committed /
Proposed Appropriation
Bond Costs
Ch. 4 79708 Unspecified Statewide Bond Costs 0 0 47,945,000 -47,945,000 0
Ch. 5 79723 State Water Resources Control Board: Wastewater treatment projects 260,000,000 0 254,371,353 5,200,000 428,647
Ch. 5 79724(a)(1) State Water Resources Control Board: Public water system infrastructure improvements. 260,000,000 0 254,513,695 5,200,000 286,305
Ch. 6 79731(a) Baldwin Hills Conservancy: Multibenefit ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration projects. 10,000,000 0 9,561,852 200,000 238,148
Ch. 6 79731(b) California Tahoe Conservancy: Multibenefit ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration projects. 15,000,000 0 14,673,033 300,000 26,967
Ch. 6 79731(c) Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy: Multibenefit ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration projects. 10,000,000 0 9,812,000 200,000 -12,000(a)
Ch. 6 79731(d) Ocean Protection Council: Multibenefit ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration projects. 30,000,000 0 29,600,306 600,000 -200,306(a)
Ch. 6 79731(e) San Diego River Conservancy: Multibenefit ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration. 17,000,000 0 15,934,366 340,000 725,634
Ch. 6 79731(f) Rivers and Mountains Conservancy: Multibenefit ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration. 30,000,000 0 29,270,784 600,000 129,216
Ch. 6 79731(g) San Joaquin River Conservancy and Wildlife Conservation Board: Multibenefit ecosystem and watershed protection restoration 10,000,000 0 9,300,000 200,000 500,000
Ch. 6 79731(h) Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy: Multibenefit ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration. 30,000,000 0 28,490,793 600,000 909,207
Ch. 6 79731(i) Sierra Nevada Conservancy: Multibenefit ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration. 25,000,000 0 22,710,510 500,000 1,789,490
Ch. 6 79731(j) State Coastal Conservancy: Multibenefit ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration. 100,500,000 0 96,797,387 2,010,000 1,692,613
Ch. 6 79731(k) Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy: Multibenefit ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration. 50,000,000 0 47,269,736 1,000,000 1,730,264
Ch. 6 79733 Wildlife Conservation Board: Enhanced stream flow. 200,000,000 0 191,907,899 4,000,000 4,092,101
Ch. 6 79735(a) Rivers and Mountains Conservancy: Projects to protect and enhance the Los Angeles River. 50,000,000 0 49,000,000 1,000,000 0
Ch. 6 79735(a) Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy: Projects to protect and enhance the Los Angeles River. 50,000,000 0 49,000,000 1,000,000 0
Ch. 6 79735(b)(1) Secretary for Natural Resources: Watershed and urban rivers enhancement. 20,000,000 0 19,598,692 400,000 1,308
Ch. 6 79736 California Department of Fish and Wildlife: Fulfill the obligations of the State of California 18,367,347 0 18,000,000 367,347 0
Ch. 6 79736 Department of Water Resources: Fulfill the obligations of the State of California 109,183,673 0 107,000,000 2,183,673 0
Ch. 6 79736 Secretary for Natural Resources: Fulfill the obligations of the State of California 347,448,980 0 340,499,670 6,948,980 330
Ch. 6 79737(a) California Department of Fish and Wildlife: Watershed restoration projects statewide 285,000,000 0 279,299,816 5,700,000 184
Ch. 6 79738(a) California Department of Fish and Wildlife: Water quality, ecosystem restoration and fish protection facilities 87,500,000 0 85,749,702 1,750,000 298
Ch. 7 79744 Department of Water Resources: Integrated Regional Water Management 510,000,000 0 499,799,573 10,200,000 427
Ch. 7 79746(a) Department of Water Resources: Urban and agricultural water conservation and water-use efficiency plans, projects, and programs. 100,000,000 0 98,000,000 2,000,000 0
Ch. 7 79747(a) State Water Resources Control Board: Multibenefit stormwater management projects 200,000,000 0 193,237,013 4,000,000 2,762,987
Ch. 8 79750(b) California Water Commission: Water storage projects that improve the operation of the state water system 2,700,000,000 0 2,646,000,000 54,000,000 0
Ch. 9 79765 Department of Water Resources: Water recycling and advanced treatment technology projects 100,000,000 0 95,355,266 2,000,000 2,644,734
Ch. 9 79765 State Water Resources Control Board: Water recycling and advanced treatment technology projects 625,000,000 0 604,232,594 12,500,000 8,267,406
Ch. 10 79771(a) State Water Resources Control Board: Projects to prevent or clean up the contamination of groundwater that serves or has served as a source of drinking water. 720,000,000 0 696,131,612 14,400,000 9,468,388
Ch. 10 79772 State Water Resources Control Board: Grants for treatment and remediation activities that prevent or reduce the contamination of groundwater that serves as a source of drinking water 80,000,000 80,000,000 0 0 0
Ch. 10 79775 Department of Water Resources: Projects that develop and implement groundwater plans and projects in accordance with groundwater planning requirements established under Division 6 (commencing with Section 10000). 100,000,000 0 97,874,447 2,000,000 125,553
Ch. 11 79780 Department of Water Resources and Central Valley Flood Protection Board: Statewide flood management projects and activities 100,000,000 0 96,826,416 2,000,000 1,173,584
Ch. 11 79781(a-d) Department of Water Resources and Central Valley Flood Protection Board: Reduce the risk of levee failure and flood in the Delta 295,000,000 0 276,600,000 5,900,000 12,500,000
Ch. 12 79785 et seq. Unspecified: Portion of Statewide bond cost funds that are continuously appropriated. 0 0 101,355,000 -101,355,000 0