


The Goal of State Parks' Waterway Connections Initiative (WCI) is to expand inland waterway-related outdoor access to Priority Communities, with an emphasis on State Parks' facilities and partnerships, and within the context of sustainable resources management. 

Priority Communities are identified for the purpose of WCI as communities of 2,500 (or more) near rivers, inland waterways, and inland water systems, and who lack meaningful connection to nature for a variety of reasons.  See also “Who?” below.


WCI was first funded in fiscal year 2021-2022. Funds must be spent or encumbered (e.g. in contracts) by June 30, 2027.


Spending time outdoors and in nature brings joy, relaxation, and a strengthened sense of connection.  Parks can demonstrate the multiple benefits associated with healthy, sustainable management of California's precious ecological systems -- offering understanding and inspiration about improved landscape stewardship and solutions to California's complex climate and water challenges.  As part of a broader Statewide effort to expand all Californians’ access to parks, open space, nature, and cultural amenities, State Parks seeks to "expand the presence and activity of [its] facilities and partnerships, including partnerships with local agencies and nonprofit organizations, in urban areas with a connection to the rivers, waterways, and water systems", with "priority for under-resourced, underserved, or park-poor urban communities", per the WCI enabling legislation (below). 


WCI is about increasing Californians' access to experience the outdoors and creating a sense of belonging.  WCI "Priority Communities" are communities of 2,500 (or more) near rivers, inland waterways, and inland water systems, and who lack meaningful connection to nature (see Priority Communities definition).  Barriers to access include lack of outdoor recreation experience, disabilities, and economic and social disadvantages, among others.  WCI will coordinate with Priority Communities, local, State, and federal agencies, non-governmental partners, and other partners. 



While WCI is a Statewide program, serious consideration is being given to connecting Priority Communities with inland waterway areas, which offer opportunities for multi-benefit land and water management, and which typically have significantly less funding availability than coastal areas.  Because the Central Valley is home to many Priority Communities, WCI will include and expand recommendations made in State Parks' Central Valley Vision Implementation Plan. 


WCI is authorized to fund State Park operations (e.g. public education programming, natural and cultural resources management, partnerships), infrastructure development (e.g. campgrounds, picnic areas), real property acquisition, and local assistance.  WCI may provide local assistance for eligible activities and projects through partner government entities.  The WCI team developed Guiding Principles and Objectives  that achieve the WCI Goal.   

State Parks held a public comment period to gather feedback in fall of 2023. Feedback has been incorporated into the WCI framework and allocations are being finalized with consideration given to evolving budgetary constraints.

Policy Guidance

Implementation will be conducted in accordance with the enabling legislation (below) and Guiding Principles.

Enabling legislation SB-170 Budget Act of 2021 (2021-2022) reads as follows: 

Item 3790-005-0001 is added to Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2021, to read:

(1) 2840-Support of the Department of Parks and Recreation: 154,200,000

1. The amount appropriated in this item shall be available for state operations, capital outlay, property acquisition, or local assistance, with a priority for under- resourced, underserved, or park-poor urban communities to expand the presence and activity of the Department of Parks and Recreation facilities and partnerships, including partnerships with local agencies and nonprofit organizations, in urban areas with a connection to the rivers, waterways, and water systems.

2. The amount appropriated in this item shall be available in urban areas adjacent to rivers and waterways throughout the state.

3. The Department of Parks and Recreation shall use the services of the California Conservation Corps or a local conservation corps certified by the California Conservation Corps whenever feasible for its work in this program.

4. The amount appropriated in this item shall be available for encumbrance or expenditure until June 30, 2027.