2021–2025 SCORP Action Plan for Designing Parks Using Community-Based Planning 

Design parks that are authentic to each community’s unique recreation needs through community-based planning. 

Cite the report named Designing Parks Using Community-Based Planning — Methods from California’s Statewide Park Development and Community Revitalization Program as examples of methods used.


2021–2025 SCORP Action Plan From Focus Group Findings 

1. New Park Access 

a. Create or expand parks in communities that lack sufficient park space.  Create new parks within a half mile of underserved communities, or expand existing parks to increase the ratio of park acreage per resident in underserved areas.  This may include innovative solutions such as acquiring private land from willing sellers such as vacant lots and blighted buildings, converting streets to create or expand parks, or converting closed schools. 

b. Acquire private land from willing sellers in natural areas to expand regional parks, or create new open space areas for outdoor recreation while preserving nature. 

2. Multi-Use Parks Designed for All Age Groups in New or Existing Parks 

a. Construct recreation features designed to bring families together by supporting art and music, sports, and multi-generational activities. 

b. Construct recreation features for all age groups to support different active and passive recreation interests of all ages. 

c. Incorporate project design ideas from all age groups.

3. Health Design Goals for New or Existing Parks 

a. Include recreation features resulting from asking community members for their park design ideas for public health. 

4. Safety and Beautification for New or Existing Parks 

a. Construct lighting for night-time use, or restrooms, landscaping, signs, or other enhancements to make the park appear welcoming and support longer hours of use. 

5. Preservation 

a. Through the LWCF program (ORLP is applicable), place outdoor open space land under new 6(f)(3) protection for public recreation.


2021–2025 SCORP Action Plan for Health Partnerships 

Encourage partnerships between health and recreation sectors.  Partnerships between health and recreation sectors may include: 

a. Outreaching to local community members during the community-based planning process. 

b. Providing feedback on how parks can be designed to support healthy lifestyles. 

c. Leveraging resources for acquisition and construction projects, program services, and 

site maintenance. 


2021–2025 SCORP Action Plan for Wetlands 

Increase the inventory of California Wetlands under federal 6(f)(3) protection through the efforts of multiple agencies. 

a. Create new wetlands where they previously existed and have been destroyed. 

b. Acquire existing but unprotected wetlands to hold in public trust. 

c. Restore, where needed, the quality of existing wetlands owned by public agencies. 

d. LWCF grants for wetlands will include public access for recreation and educational opportunities. 


2021-2025 State Agency Action Plan 

If the applicant is a state agency, please send an email to SCORP@parks.ca.gov to request the action plan for the state agency.  State agencies may also cite any of the items above.