State Parks uses a number of tools to support our sea level rise work. Examples include:

Selected Policy and Guidance Documents:

Sea Level Rise Viewers and Adaptation Databases

  • Our Coast Our Future: This website includes a flood map viewer for the CoSMos sea level rise model which makes detailed predictions of storm-induced coastal flooding, erosion, and cliff failures over large geographic scales.
  • NOAA Digital Coast Sea Level Rise Viewer:  This tool displays potential future sea-levels for coastal communities. The data does not currently account for coastal processes, such as erosion and subsidence.
  • Sea the Future: This website compares and provides information about the various sea level rise and flood visualization web tools that are available.
  • Adaptation Clearinghouse: This site provides users with a consolidated searchable database of California-specific resources for local, regional and statewide climate adaptation planning and decision-making.
  • Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE): This national database offers case studies and resources for all stages of climate adaptation planning and implementation.

Interactive Resources: