Comment Period Drafts for the Proposition 68 Statewide Park Development and Community Revitalization Program

The documents below include comments received during two comment periods to draft the Application Guide.   The Draft Application Guide review period started on October 2, 2018.  The first comment period ended on November 9, 2018.  The Draft Application Guide was revised based on comments received from this comment period.  An additional comment period occurred from December 5 to December 31, 2018.  This additional comment period resulted in a few additional clarifications.  Responses to comments are listed in the charts below.  A strike through and clean version of the Draft Application Guide made available during the comment periods are also provided below.

The Application Guide was finalized on January 22, 2019.   

Additional review and comment period through December 31, 2018.  This Draft Application Guide showed changes to the October 2 through November 1, 2018 Public Review Period Draft.

Schedule of Review Sessions and Public Hearings

Clean version of December 5 2018 Draft Application Guide with new text shown in green font.

Strikethrough version of December 5 2018 Draft Application Guide showing deletions from the prior Draft Application Guide.

Comments from December 5 to December 31, 2018

Comments from October 2 through November 9, 2018