Research Materials

Peregrine falcon near Butano nest as seen through a spotting scope, with the Steller’s jay, another mamu predator.

See detailed writeup Chapter 5 in the MAMU Landscape Management Plan

Starting in 2017 we began monitoring Peregrine falcons nests and food caches to document murrelets that may be falling prey to the two pairs of Peregrines who nest in murrelet flyways. Budget depending, we will obtain PEFA reproductive outcomes, timelines and prey remains for at least three of the next five years, if no MAMU take is demonstrated this year.

Links to 2017 Data and 2018 Data

This is the field year "overview" which is updated at the end of every season as an ultimate quick and dirty summary. This is helpful as a fast long-term reference.

Butano 2018
Big Basin 2018
Our Data
Peregrine Survey Guidelines