On September 9, 2016, the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Commission unanimously approved the Prairie City SVRA General Plan (GP) and certified the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) at a public hearing in Folsom, California.

The Prairie City SVRA General Plan and FEIR were part of a multi-year planning effort involving substantial public and stakeholder input. The plan reflects changes that have occurred since adopting the 1991 Master Plan, such as land acquisitions and changes in recreation trends and visitor use. The planning process allowed staff to evaluate current and potential uses of the SVRA and develop a plan to guide future management, programs and facility development. The plan considered the urban encroachment around the SVRA, new resource management regulations, and non-motorized recreation uses such as hiking and mountain biking.

The General Plan outlines broad goals and guidelines for the management of Prairie City SVRA. The approval of the General Plan also allows facility improvements to this new park. Potential facilities include a visitor center, overnight camping, multiuse special events area, and other amenities in the future.

      Prairie City SVRA General Plan
      Prairie City SVRA Final Environmental Impact Report
      Prairie City SVRA Draft Environmental Impact Report with Public Comments