Preliminary GP/RMP and Final EIR/EIS Released (June 2020)

Preliminary General Plan/Draft Resource Management Plan (GP/RMP) and Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) (June 2020) (11.5MB) and Appendix

The Preliminary GP/RMP and Final EIR/EIS dated June 2020 includes responses to all of the comments received during the public comment period for the Preliminary GP/Draft RMP and the Draft EIR/EIS and all revisions made in consideration of those comments. For a complete review of the GP/RMP and EIR/EIS being considered for approval at the State Park and Recreation Commission hearing on September 30, 2021, all three documents should be reviewed together using the Primer for Document Review.

Virtual Tour and Transcript

Preliminary GP/RMP and Draft EIR/EIS Released (July 2019)

In July 2019, the Preliminary GP/RMP and Draft EIR/EIS was released and opened up for public comment.

Preliminary General Plan (GP) and Draft Resource Management Plan (RMP) and Appendix

Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) and Appendix

Summary of Public Input (September 19, 2018)

Summary of Public Input Approximately 550 individuals and organizations shared their thoughts, questions or concerns about the draft proposed action. 

Newsletter (August 2018)

Newsletter - English

Open House (June 26, 2018)

California State Parks and the Bureau of Reclamation held an open house from 5-8PM on June 26, 2018, to share CSP's draft proposed action for the Auburn SRA General Plan/Auburn Project Lands Resource Management Plan. The open house was held at the Gold Country Fairgrounds Sierra Building at 209 Fairgate Road, Auburn CA 95603. Meeting documents are posted below.

Press Release
Open House Flyer
CSP Proposed Action Facilities Summary
CSP Proposed Action Maps (24MB)
Detailed Actions Alternatives Table
Purpose, Vision, Alternative Themes and Land Use Intensity Comparison Chart

Summary of Public Input (June 2018)

Input Summary In December 2017 and January 2018 hundreds of people provided their input on the draft alternatives, including over 150 people who attended a public workshop, over 800 people who participated in an online questionnaire, and over a dozen public agencies that provided comments. This input was considered during modifications to the draft alternatives and selection of the draft CSP proposed action.

Meeting (December 7, 2017)

California State Parks and the Bureau of Reclamation held an Alternatives and CEQA Scoping Open House on December 7, 2017 at Gold Country Fairgrounds Sierra Building, 209 Fairgate Road, Auburn, CA 95603.

Meeting Materials:
Draft Unit Purpose and Vision, Land Use Designation and Alternative Theme Summary
Alternative Maps (No Action Alternative, Resource Management Emphasis, Increased Recreation and Resource Management, Recreation Emphasis)
Key Proposed Actions and Guidelines for Each Alternative

Newsletter (December 2017)

Newsletter - English
Newsletter - Spanish

Notice of Preparation (November 29, 2017)

Notice of Preparation (November 29, 2017)

Meeting (November 12, 2015)

A public meeting was held November 12, 2015, at Skyridge Elementary School in Auburn.

Meeting Materials:
Powerpoint Presentation
Recreation Activities and Facilities Map 1
Recreation Activities and Facilities Map 2
Recreation Activities and Facilities Map 3
Recreation Activities and Facilities Map 4
Public Comments submitted as of December 1, 2015

Newsletter (November 2015)

Newsletter - English

Managing Partner Agreement (2012)

The GP/RMP planning process was suspended in 2010 due to uncertainty regarding the future management of Auburn SRA. In 2012, the Bureau of Reclamation and State Parks entered into a new 25-year Managing Partner Agreement (MPA) for the federal lands at both Auburn SRA and Folsom Lake SRA. With the future management of public use and recreation secured through the MPA, the two agencies both sought to re-initiate a process to complete the GP/RMP. While the current process is not dependent on the documents or information developed in these earlier years, that information will be used to help inform the current planning effort.

State Parks Visitor Survey (August 2010)

A statewide California State Parks visitor survey was conducted in 2007-2009 with results published in 2010. See the Auburn SRA section of that report.

Auburn-to-Cool Trail Crossing Feasibility Study (June 2007)

California State Parks completed the Auburn-to-Cool Trail Crossing Feasibility Study in June 2007. The study provides information for State Parks to consider in assessing the cost, constructability, and desirability of various crossing options. It is not a decision document or an environmental document. Any decision to allow development would first be made at a conceptual level in the General Plan/Resource Management Plan (GP/RMP). 

Public Workshop (May 30, 2007)

Press Release
Handout: Options to Address Key Issues
Handout: Pump Station Project Public Access
Meeting Notes

Newsletter (May 2007)


Focus Groups (April 2007)

April 2007 Stakeholder Focus Group Meeting Notes Four focus group meetings were held in April 2007 with representatives of a variety of user and interest groups. The goal of these two-hour meetings was to engage representatives of various user and interest groups in focused discussions prior to the initiation of the second public workshop in May 2007. These stakeholder meetings focused on soliciting ideas to resolve the key issues previously identified.

Auburn SRA Visitor Survey (May-October 2006)

Auburn SRA 2006 Visitor Survey Results
As part of the information gathering for the General Plan an onsite visitor survey was conducted in 2006 to learn more about visitor use patterns and visitor preferences within Auburn SRA. Five hundred and twenty eight useable surveys were completed by visitors at a variety of locations throughout the SRA from May through October of 2006. The data from the survey and the findings will help inform the planning process. A special thanks to all of the volunteers from Canyon Keepers who helped implement the survey under the guidance of Aukerman, Hass and Associates, LLC.

Public Workshop (June 15, 2006)

News Release June 1, 2006
Public Comments from Workshop

Stakeholder Focus Groups (April-June 2006)

April-June 2006 Stakeholder Focus Group Meeting Notes Between April and June of 2006, members of the Planning Team for the Auburn SRA General Plan/Interim Resource Management Plan met with key project stakeholders in five, two-hour focused meetings. The goal of the meetings was to engage representatives of various user and interest groups in focused discussions prior to the initiation of the first public workshop in June. Participants were asked to identify what they were passionate about with regards to Auburn SRA; what special value or niche that Auburn SRA holds for them; and what issues, challenges or opportunities they believe the GP/IRMP needs to address.

Newsletter (May 2006)


Auburn SRA Interim RMP (1992)

Auburn SRA Interim RMP 1992