Please note: Once the chapter is open, click on a section title in the Table of Contents to jump directly to that section.

Section 1: Planning and Administration

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Trail System Development and Management Program

Chapter 3: Planning and Environmental Compliances

Chapter 4: Visitor Trail Facilities and Amenities

Section 2: Trail Layout and Design

Chapter 5: Principles of Trail Layout and Design

Chapter 6: Mountain Bike Trail Design

Chapter 7: Equestrian Trail Design

Chapter 8: Accessible Trail Design

Chapter 9: Multi-Use Trails

Chapter 10: Non-Motorized Snow Use Trails

Section 3: Trail Construction

Chapter 11: Principles of Trail Construction

Chapter 12: Topographical Turn, Climbing Turn and Switchback Construction

Chapter 13: Retaining Structures

Chapter 14: Draining Structures

Chapter 15: Timber Planking, Puncheon and Boardwalk Structures

Chapter 16: Trail Bridges

Chapter 17: Trail Steps

Chapter 18: Railings

Chapter 19: Trail Camps

Chapter 20: Materials

Chapter 21: Work Force Management

Chapter 22: Safety

Section 4: Trail Maintenance

Chapter 23: Trail Maintenance Principles

Chapter 24: Clearing and Brushing 

Chapter 25: Trail Tread Maintenance

Chapter 26: Drainage and Structure Maintenance

Chapter 27: Erosion/Sediment Control and Trail Removal


Appendix A Bibliography

Appendix B Glossary

Appendix C CSP Best Practices

Appendix D Change-in-Use Flow Chart

Appendix E Project Schedules

Appendix F Contracting

Appendix G Trail Project Monitoring

Appendix H Road and Trail Management Plan Outline

Appendix I Bridge Plans

Appendix J Using an Auto Level

Appendix K Bridge Scaffolding Drawings

Appendix L Trailside Shelter Drawings

Appendix M Bear Management Plan

Appendix N Digest of Inmate Laws

Appendix O Task Hazard Analysis

Appendix P Emergency Response Plan

Appendix Q Injury and Illness Prevention Program

Appendix R Wildfire Prevention

Appendix S Genetic Integrity Guidelines for Revegetation, Seed Collection, and Propagation

Appendix T Project Tool and Equipment Check List

Appendix U Bridge Inspection Checklist